The White House

The White House

Monday, July 23, 2012


Sunday we woke up to some sunshine. It’s been awhile and I was excited to be able to spend the day outside.




After animal chores the first order of business was the lawn. It’s been a week at least since I mowed with all the rain we’ve been having. I trimmed around the beds, mowed the front, the ditch and down by the greenhouse. Wet grass clogs the mower and it was a time consuming headache. Finally finished at 4:00pm!




Homer hauled fill all day and when I finished the lawns the little ones and I jumped in the truck and ran to a local greenhouse for ladybugs. Fairbanks is having a bad aphid problem this summer. Previously I’ve never seen an aphid here and now they’re in my greenhouse! We dumped  1500 to hopefully clean things up.


Lucas picked some tomatoes for me. It’s probably the first time he’s shown any interest in the gardens.


I started to weed, but instead we took the rest of the night off to watch the kids. (Got 4 beds done). The water was freezing and Lucas’ teeth were chattering, but that didn’t stop them from swimming. I’d would like to get them wet suits to extend the season and make it more fun, but I bet they are really expensive.


They packed a slide to the pool as Dad could not convince them it wouldn’t work. It didn’t so they “surfed” on it.


Look who slept in a tent last night.


It’s been raining again this morning and supposed to be scattered showers all week. Unreal. I’m going to dive into laundry, housework and tackling the mess of toys because I’m just not in the mood to be wet and cold. Maybe I’ll change my mind after some coffee.


Lori Skoog said...

Your yard looks like a park! Love the shot of Lucas with the tomato plants.

Patty said...

We just bought a wetsuit, adult size for the boys for when we pull them behind the boat on the tube. I think it cost around $75 or $85. This was at Sports Authority. Kids sizes should cost less.

Kim@Snug Harbor said...

Your yard is so pretty. Love the pictures of Olivia jumping in the pool and Lucas picking tomatoes.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Hurray you got some sunshine and it looks like fun was had by the kids, and dear Mom got to play in her gardens. It all looks GREAT!
