The White House

The White House

Monday, March 28, 2011

When I Hit Publish There Better Be Photos!

Here's the jerky. It's too salty, but if you don't eat much at once it is tolerable. 

Here's some of Sunday's breakfast.  It is my husbands only day off so we like to have a big family breakfast which doesn't necessarily mean early in the morning! :)
Lots of clothes that need to go to closets....
...even more that has to be washed.  I'm not sure why I can't get caught up, but I tried hard Sunday.  There was actually twice this after I cleaned the bedrooms and brought up the basket from downstairs.  I made it through six loads before I ran out of laundry soap. (I've mentioned it before...hate the laundry room with it's ugly peeling walls.  Can't wait to re-do it someday).
There always seems to be a trail of toys everywhere I go.  :)  I know someday I will miss this so picking them up to do it all over again the next day isn't something that bugs me too much.  Now stepping on a Lego in the middle of the night...that bugs me!
This is going to my bedroom *someday*.  All my craft and sewing stuff is to the left so I can use it.  When the craft room is done then it will move in there.  The totes to the right are toys and more toys.  The Little Ones and I are going to sit down and sort through them donating the things they no longer want or play with. The stuff in the front?  I cleaned it up!
Emily's room was surprisingly clean for having a guest.  I tided up and Dad hung up three more of her pictures, but I forgot to take a photo.
Spent some time on Elijah's room.  Hung up the drawing of him and then put in a piece of carpet that we cut out of the front room.  The craft room is going to have a hard wood floor so it was coming out anyhow.  Might as well make him a little more comfortable while he waits for his bigger room to be finished.  Yesterday was spent doing little things....fixing door knobs, taking down towel racks (so I can repaint the bathroom), organizing tools....little things that will make our work easier.
(Before the carpet...)
I do believe I would be shocked if I walked into this room and the dirty clothes were picked up. :) 

This bugs me.  I try to make my way through the house each morning making beds so when the kids come home from a long day at school they can relax in a clean room.  Crawling into a fresh bed at night is nice, too.  Personally, I think it will be a very sad day when I don't have six beds to make. It makes me feel good to do this little gesture.

I just love his walls.  I'm glad I didn't hesitate when this is what he asked me to do.  I wonder what Elijah will chose?  Emily opted for white which surprised me. Olivia tells me she'll want her room purple and I haven't asked Lucas.

A breath of Spring is growing upstairs!

There are 7 or 8 Impatiens that survived the winter.  Remember? The others were over by the door and were killed by the draft when everyone went in and out. I grew at least 50 Impatiens from seed last year and they were beautiful all summer.  Now?  Not a single seed has germinated.  I have no idea what I did wrong.  I'm trying to decide if I should get more and try again, or bag it.  Some things I just don't understand.
While I worked upstairs the three younger kids were enjoying the warm weather.
Emily loves to run...she was chasing Olivia.
Impatiently waiting for a turn. :)
Olivia ended up falling on her face last night, knocking out her front tooth (a baby tooth that desperately needed to come out) and getting two fat lips.  It may or may not having something to do with a stinker little brother who peeled out on the machine before she had completely gotten off. Poor little thing looks pretty rough this morning and does not want her photo taken. I let her stay home from school as it doesn't feel too good.

Last night it snowed again.  Boo! :(  I am ready for winter to be over and I hear we may have some flurries again tonight.
Off to a great start this morning....I didn't reset the alarm on my phone properly and got Elijah up half an hour late so he couldn't catch the bus.  Got Nick up an hour early so he could take him to school for me.  (I justify that with the fact that Homer pays for all his gas and insurance, and a favor now and then will increase the likelihood of that continuing)  :)

Emily made the bus alright.  I buzzed through the bedrooms first thing and finished drying two loads of laundry from yesterday.  I even managed to squeeze one more load out of that bottle of soap! I'm off and running on another busy day....

Oh, and haven't caught that black lab yet.  He was here first thing this morning winding my pups up.  So frustrating!!I can't catch him and I can't follow him home.  By the time I get the little ones in the van he's gone in the woods and I've lost him. I'm thinking about hanging up some signs, but you know, this world is full of a lot of really scary people and I really don't want to piss one know, like the arsonist down the street or one of the sex offenders every neighborhood has. I've got to figure this out.  When I can't take my own dogs into my own yard something is wrong with the world.


Gail said...

I'm tired just reading about all you did!

sue in mexico mo said...

Gayle, can you start Impatiens from cuttings of your existing plants?

I understand about making the beds. If for some reason I don't get my bed made before I leave the house in the morning I make it that night, even if it is bedtime. . .