The White House

The White House

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ruby Tuesday

Little Miss Olivia in her silly red hat (that she still thinks she needs to wear). I could just eat her up.

This is how our Little Princess wants to be all the time. Dressing up makes her feel so good and puts that beautiful smile on her face. Gosh, she looks just like her Daddy.

Most often, though, Olivia has a patch on her eye. Many tears are shed putting the patch her and me. Sometimes things go smoothly, sometimes we wrestle. Her little eye gets so tired by the end of the day. I keep reminding her that she exercising her eye so it will get stronger. Sometimes she is very sad and it breaks my heart.

At the last two check-ups there has been no change for her hard work making it so hard to be positive. Olivia had another appointment today, and guess what? That left eye that was 20/400 is now 20/100. DID YOU HEAR ME! She worked so hard and it got better! Oh, you should have seen the smile on her face. I was so proud of her, and she was so proud of herself! She still has to wear the patch to see if there can be more improvement, but now my little girl understands. It still isn't going to be fun. It will still be tiring, but now she understands. Things should be a little easier.

How's that for a Ruby Tuesday! :)

Go see MaryT The Teach for more red!


Deb said...

Olivia is a darling little girl! I love my boys but I would love to have had a little girl :)
It's wonderful news that her eye is improving - congrats to both of you.

Have a great day - hope you get your sunshine, I'm getting my rain!

Lori Skoog said...

Good news for Olivia and something nice for you! Yeaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

Snowbird said...

Way to go Olivia!! Big hugs. Wish I was there to give you one in person. Gayle, she is such a cutie! Perfect Ruby Tuesday!

DrillerAA said...

These photos are priceless. Our grand grew are growing up. Pretty soon I won't have "little ones" to photograph anymore. Enjoy them while you can. Have a wonderful RT.

Little Black Scrap Cat said...

That's marvelous, Gayle! Hooray, Olivia!! Keep working on that eye and it will get even better!

Unknown said...

w00t!!!! for Olivia!! You go,girl!

Tink *~*~* said...

That is the best news EVAH for you and Olivia. I'm so happy for you, I'm a little misty-eyed myself. Yay, y'all!

Tink *~*~*

Anonymous said...

Cute little madam!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

good job olivia, and yeah mom for the loving encouragement. great news.

Mojo said...

I'd say that's a pretty special Ruby Tuesday. A fine Ruby Tuesday. Or Wednesday or any other day. Good news is a rare commodity these days and it sounds like you got some of the best. Here's hoping she continues on the current trend! Repeat that mathematically and you're talking about 20/25. I don't guess it works that way though does it. Still, that's pretty dramatic progress... Good on ya!

Bottles Barbies And Boys said...

Bless her heart, that has got to be so hard on the both of you.

I'm so glad her work is paying off.

Best wishes!

anymommy said...

Awesome. And I love that hat!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love your story! Your little girl and you are so courageous.

And the little girl looks so very pretty in that red hat!

Nellie said...

Awesome news for both you and Olivia! It's so nice to know that little girls still want to wear dresses! She looks soooo pretty.

Hope all your "million" little plants are doing well. It appears that your snow is slowly going away, so planting time won't be far off.

Wonderful photos for R.T.


B said...'s melting!!!

Olivia is such a precious and I am assuming very intelligent little girl.

I LOVE her red dress.

I hope you see more improvement at the next dr visit.

Corey~living and loving said...

awwwwwwwwwwwww...that made me all teary. ♥ bless her heart!

Egghead said...

She is a doll. At least if she can see that it is helping she might be more willing to go through this. What a cutie.

Patty said...

Gayle....I think Olivia looks an awful lot like Emily...the eyes....

Great for her on her eye as well. My neice had to do the same thing when she was little. She will be thankful to you that you corrected when she was young!


Carla said...

What a doll! Little girly girls are yummy! Congrats to her:)