The White House

The White House

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Random Thoughts.....

1. I replaced beer with water.
2. I replaced food with exercise.
3. I feel better.
4. I had more fun before.
5. The piece 'o crap dog has found a new home. She will be loved.
6. It might snow. That really sucks.
7. This is the 22nd day my husband has been gone. That sucks even more.
8. I really hate cleaning house. Can't everyone just pick up after themselves?
9. If it wasn't for coffee I'd go crazy. Really.
10. Does anyone want a goose?
11. I should be planting. The kids don't want to plant anymore. I could use a babysitter.
12. Waiting for the school to call. Do you honestly believe he can make the last 20 days of school without being suspended....again? I doubt it.
13. I'm sure I'd feel better if the sun would just shine.

Do you have 13 things you want to share? Go here to do it!


Tara said...

oooh, I like your random thoughts. Glad you were able to get rid of the dog. Coffee was getting to be one of my best friends, too...then these babies decided they don't like coffee. Punks. Too bad we're not closer, we could throw the kids in the backyard together and plant all day long!

Tara said...

OH! and when will Homer be back? I'm sorry he's been gone so long :( I would cry.

Jess said...

Wow! 22 days - that's a long time. At least you feel better (according to number 3)!

Egghead said...

OK it is time for the snow to stop there. The sun needs to shine and you need to be able to plant and watch things grow. Yeah. Like I could demand such things.

Lori Skoog said...

Gayle...what dog did you get rid of? Being without your husband for so long is really getting to you. You have had your hands full and definately need a break.
Don't get any more animals...blackmail your kids into doing more to help you (like no helpee, no transportation etc.). From what I have read over the past year, you do an awful lot for many people. It is your turn! We are going to have a heatwave this weekend...into the 80s. I hope some of that hot air goes your way.

Kim@Snug Harbor said...

I hate cleaning my house too. Try my solution for keeping on top of the clutter.

I get up every morning and set my kitchen timer for 20 minutes, grab a laundry basket and race around the house filling it with stuff that was left out. As I go from room to room, I also put stuff away. When the timer goes off - I'm done for the day! You'd be surprised at how good that works and then I don't think about it until the next morning.

Little Black Scrap Cat said...

BIG HUGS being sent your way!! Being the only parent on hand for 22 days, that's hard!

I agree with a number of points above - #1 no help around the house, no privileges. #2 the 20 minute timer works pretty well for picking up clutter, etc. #3 the basket works pretty well as incentive. Teach them that whatever you have to pick up in the basket is yours for 1 week. Then they get it back. If the same objects keep getting put in the basket, they must not be that important. Perhaps it should go away. It takes a little longer for the little ones to figure it out, but the older ones should catch on pretty quickly.

I'm sure you get a bundle of advice on what to do.... take it all with a grain of salt. You can always try something and see how it works. If it's not working, change it up!!

Again...... MANY HUGS to you!! I wish you and I could sit and chat (and scrap and plant....)

Queen-Size funny bone said...

I'd go on strike. wow 22 days without your man. I could send you mine.