Here's my sweet Olivia in a new red dress the Easter Bunny brought her. She wears dresses almost every single day. They make her feel good.
I have been blessed with five very healthy children. Olivia's eye patch (to attempt to correct poor vision in her left eye) is the first traumatic thing I've had to deal with. (Nick had sinus surgery, but that was over and done with). Right after this great big smile was a wrestling match and a lot of crying to get the patch on her eye.
I know I need to be thankful. So many parents have sick children, but I just hate putting that patch on her eye every day. Listening to her scream and then cry because she doesn't think she's pretty breaks my heart. Of course, I tell her she's beautiful, and that real beauty comes from inside a person, but for ten minutes she is the most devastated little girl. And it makes me sad.

Then she forgets all about it and is back to playing Legos. I am thankful for all I have, but I tell you, if I could give her my eyes and take away that ten minutes of saddest (and an entire day of tripping and running into things) I would.
What a cute little sweetheart. A shame she has to deal with an eyepatch at her age. It's always traumatic, especially for the mom, when we have to make our babies sad.
I think she's pretty as all get out in that cute little red dress!
I've had poor eyesight since I was about her age, but because of it I know I view the world from a very different perspective. I hope the health of Olivia's left eye increases. However, if her problem persists, I do hope that she can learn to draw strength from it.
She is beautiful, no eyepatch could change that. Ugh though, I'm sorry you have to make her wear it, I would have a hard time with it too.
hugs for your pretty little honey, and for your sweet mama soul. She looks so happy in her dress. Sugar doesn't wear dresses much. She likes them, but doesn't insist on them. I like them, but find her more easily to play and climb in pants. It is a mix, I think. Mostly pants, and sometimes dresses. I'm anxious to see what she leans towards as she gets older. I haven't worn a dress in years.
She is beautiful! Read looks fabulous on her. I love to wear red!
She is GORGEOUS! I'm sorry you have to make her put a patch on. I would be sad, too :( Don't you wonder where they get these ideas about not being pretty? She's beautiful--eye patch or no!
Aw, poor thing. I'm sure that, at her age, this is a devastating thing. She doesn't understand why she needs to wear it. But with our without, she is such a beauty. You tell her that if she flashes that smile, no one will look at the patch--only at her beautiful smile.
Oh the poor little lamb. I just hope that it will work now so that later when the big bad teenage years come she won't need the patch. She is adorable.
Tell Olivia that it's only going to make her more beautiful, and that red dress is to die for!
She is such a cutie, I hope she doesn't have to go through that too long.
And hang in there Mom, sometimes it seems like we have to do some terrible things to make their lives better, later on. And you know it will. :-)
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