Yesterday, I looked up from the computer and right outside the window a little moose was eating my apple tree. I should have taken photos through the window because as soon as I opened the door he spooked. (The older moose usually don't spook so easy).
wow this is the first time I've seen a moose. out in the wild through you of course.
Moose...they're so funny looking. I had one across the road this fall...I could hear him crashing through the underbrush a mile away..he was huge. Luckily he didn't run through my garden, he would have wrecked it completely.
Great pics!
How cool is that!! All I have is gators in my back yard and once in awhile a raccoon or armadillo and even a bobcat but to have a moose is amazing.
That's pretty cool. We're limited to rabbits and an occassional deer.
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