The White House

The White House

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

It's Too Cold to Go Out!

We are still hanging at -40 or colder so the last few days of Christmas break I just hung out with the kids at home and relaxed.

Yes, Tink, I even took a moment for myself!

Uh oh...he sees me....

Roscoe is so happy to see me that it is almost impossible to get a photo of him!




Hello! I'm a happy dog! See me smile?

Little Lucas was completely entertained with this sleeping bag.
It was funny to watch.

The simple things in life.


Jess said...

I was wondering how cold it got before you stayed indoors!

Hop on over to my blog to pick up something I left for you and keep warm!!!

Tink *~*~* said...

I'm glad you're getting some use out of your "sunshine kit" :) Lucas is so cute in that last photo!

Tink *~*~*

Renee said...

Wow, that's really cold! Looks like y'all had fun though. Have a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

Im ready for this cold to go away. Your days pretty much looked like ours.

Queen-Size funny bone said...

well it looks like everyone was able to entertain themselves just fine.

stace41971 said...

Awww..look at that face! I miss those days where a few sleeping bags on the floor would entertain them for hours. Now it's all about computers and wii's...:-P
-40 eh? we haven't gotten that cold yet..Hopefully we won't. It's been a fairly mild winter so far temperature wise. It only dipped below zero for a few days. The precipitation on the other hand...ick...I wish the sleet and snow would just STOP already! On the other hand..I get to drive the tractor when it I guess it's not all bad.