The White House

The White House

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

That's My World Tuesday

Every day, several times a day, I drive by the Reindeer Research Program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF). I always tell myself I should stop and take some photos for my friends in Florida, but never do. After reading about That's My World at Our Vanilla Life I decided today was the day.
Of course, since I decided to take photos, the reindeer weren't in the pen by the road, but you get the idea.
Behind the reindeer (on the hill) you can see the Farm. This is where the research is done and the animals are cared for. Once upon a time they also housed pigs and cows with windows to their stomachs, but now it is just for the reindeer.
The clump of trees (to the right of the barns) is the Georgeson Botanical Gardens, and part of the campus is behind that. See the triangle looking building? That's the fancy new Museum of the North that went way over budget and was tied up in legal battles opening late. It's supposed to resemble a whale's tail.
To the right of the last photo you can see the core of the UAF campus in the distance.

If you would like to show off your world you can join here!


Louise said...

Pretty photos. That campus looks so modern in the middle of the fields.

Cathy said...

Cool pictures. Thanks for sharing.

Snowbird said...

Thanks for posting those. I have heard about UAF but I guess I thought it was in the middle of town. Beautiful campus.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Gayle: What a neat view of your world and every childs dream. A visit from the Reindeer.

Anonymous said...

Nice, and something most of us won't see in our world. Thanks for joining us!

Tootie said...

Thanks for the pictures! It's fun sitting here all nice and warm and seeing your beautiful snow and reindeers.

Becky said...

oh my those pictures look like paintings. we about fainted when they forcasted possible flurries for Houston today!!! We are stuck in the house at 36 degrees.