Yes, you can laugh at my expense. I am.
Of 20 strings of icicle lights that cost about $7 a box only 3 worked completely, and two partially. The rest, not at all. Why?
Add that to the fact it is -2 with the wind chill making it about -15. My butt's too fat for my snow pants, the snow is about a foot deeper than my boots, the zipper is broken on my coat and I'm too stupid to put on a hat.
I trudged through the deep snow and hung 30 feet of lights with numb fingers and frozen ears cussing the entire time. If you want an idea how it is to work with lights at these temperatures grab a string and climb in your freezer. You will find they don't dangle like they should.
Then I needed an extension cord. Why is it we have a couple hundred feet of cord with no ends???? I'm all for recycling and repairing, but it seems to me if it never really happens then we should just buy new extension cords. So with flashlight in hand I rummage through the semi-trailer until I find one short cord and my battery freezes. Then I fell down the stairs. Then I cussed some more.
Before I froze to death I managed to rig up an electrical nightmare to bring you this.....
Not impressed. Let me tell you what. If you were standing out in that front yard you'd think it was the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen. Especially if someone else did it for you.
I remember stringing over a two hundred feet of icicle lights and putting out decorations last year.
I think my left ear just fell off.
This may be all you get folks.
*Mr. White felt that I should edited this to note that if a certain person didn't drive away with the truck still plugged in we might have several more extension cords and three way plugs than we presently do. Do you suppose he's talking about me?
Oh my, I feel for you--but I can't quite reach you. hee, hee. But, I must say, the finished product is very pretty. I love the blue tree. Probably matches your blue lips, fingers, toes etc.
BTW, thanks for the moose shots. We will put them to good use on our next crawl.
Girl, I have sympathy for you. I used to decorate all by myself for years. I put lights everywhere and then created such a mess of extention cords, that a burglar wouldn't have had a chance in he-- of getting into my house. I thought it was cold where I lived. I don't know how you can do it there. I think your lights are b e a u t i f u l!
Thank you so much for thinking of us and sending the shot glasses. You are tooo sweet! Tell Hubby to be nice to you, or he will have to answer to your friends, The Crawlers! :-))
You poor woman. I've had to string those damn icicle lights on my house, by myself, in the dark and cold (although not as cold as what YOU have to put up with) and like you, 1/2 of them didnt work after I got them up.
*picks up your ear and hands it to you* Next year you should have the boys do it...and you can supervise from the warmth and safety of your house :-P Come to think of it..I think stringing Christmas lights was the sole reason I had children...well..that and dishes..but they're proving to be horribly inefficent at the dish thing :-P
Your yard looks great, I hope you thaw sometime today :-)
Your efforts are worth it, they are beautiful. Maybe you would of had better luck with the $25.00 lights? lol
I'm loving the blue tree.It's beautiful.I guess freezing your a$$ off,is like us sweating our's here.Except my a$$ is still here and Jon's is gone.
And I don't think Mr.White could be talking about you.He probably means somebody broke into your house and did it.
And,in the daylight,our yard is a tangle of extension cords.
we bought all new lights this year so they all matched. i am starting to hate mix match hand me downs in my house! we get them up on the house (2 stories) and wth... the ends don't fit any of our extention cords. in fact they don't fit any at all. so now we have to take them down and figure out a way to get them plugged in! stupid decorations.
But the blue glow is so pretty - ya done good!
*picks up frozen ear, hands it to Gayle*
Here, you dropped something.
Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*
As to your edit: Mr. White would NEVER talk about you that way. It would be quite unchivalrous :D
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