The White House

The White House

Friday, November 28, 2008

Be Careful What You Wish For!

Thanksgiving was awesome. Really, after my feel-sorry-for-myself moment passed, it all worked out. I drove the boys over to their dads house at 10am. They were back home by 2:30pm. I thought they were going to be gone until Friday. They had a nice dinner with their dad, and he brought them home and told them to enjoy the rest of the day with their Mom. That was cool.

I think.

Yes, you should be careful what you wish for because it just might come true!

I wanted my boys home so bad, and my darling 13 year-old son gave me the crap that 13 year-olds do. And it had me wondering WHY I wanted him home so badly! :)

So I spent the day in the kitchen (and I hate cooking), we enjoyed a nice meal, visited (more than we have lately) and watched two movies. It was a great relaxed Thanksgiving. I did miss my Emily, but talked to her on the phone and she had a good time with her dad.

So much to be thankful for.

I hope you were as blessed as I was this Thanksgiving.


Queen-Size funny bone said...

Im glad this worked out so nicely.

Shawie said...

that's so nice of their Dad:) glad you have a great Thanksgiving!:)

Tara said...

Glad you got a bit of goodness ;)