The White House

The White House

Monday, October 20, 2008

Not Me Monday

MckMama brings us the brutally honest "Not Me Monday" where we confess all the things we might have done, but surely didn't do this past week.
Well, I can tell you I most definitely did not wear pajama pants 5 out of 7 days this past week. I also did not go to multiple stores in those pajama pants shopping with the kids. That would have been way too embarrassing for my teenagers to deal with!
I did not reschedule my son's eye appointment from Friday to Tuesday because I didn't want to leave the house. That would be way to lazy of me. Nope, I rescheduled it with the excuse that he couldn't miss something important they may not have being doing at school that day!
We did not eat way too many meals in restaurants this week because all the dishes were dirty. Who would waste money like that? Not me! Of course we would just wash the dishes, wouldn't we?
I did not bribe my son with new video games if he would just hang out at the mall with his buddy for an hour so my husband and I could have some chips and salsa in peace. Not me! I would have taken my son with me. I would never chose alone time with my husband over time with the kids. Not me!
I did not forget I was potty training Wee Two and he didn't have a diaper on, and he definitely did not poop on my bedroom floor Saturday. Not in my house! That would be way too gross!
And finally, I did not let Wee Two eat ice cream for breakfast this morning. The nutritional police would definitely get their panties in a bunch over that one! Glad it's Not Me! they are after.
What didn't you do this week?


Queen-Size funny bone said...

I've neverdone any of those things but I have pooped on the bedroom floor. lol

Anonymous said...

I wish I could wear pajama pants 24/7

keturi/faro clan said...

Hey Gayle...are any of the boys playing HS Hockey this year? Hope to see you out there some time.

Mozi Esme said...

Sounds like you've got it all together!

I am loving this meme idea...

Lori said...

isn't it part of a parent's job to embarrass their teenagers??

Anonymous said...

I think Ive seen those Pajama pants!

Tink *~*~* said...

What's wrong with ice cream for breakfast? It's made with CREAM! That's just as good as MILK! Vitamin D! Calcium! Protein! yep, I'm thinking it's breakfast material. :D

Tink *~*~*

Corey~living and loving said...

love this post! Thanks for the giggles. :)

Ashley said...

Ahhh.... the poop and the potty. Still fresh in my memory!!