The White House

The White House

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Third Post of the Day!!

(Third post of 8/21... I'm on a roll to catch up!).

July 15...

The girls picking up the pile of leaves they made last summer and didn't clean up! That dead spot never did grow back even after being tilled and reseeded. Full of ants.

Nick taking his first ride on his "new" old motorcycle.

Two minutes later he was back getting some adjustments made by Dad.

July 16...

Hamsley was digging a big hole under the gate. A chicken would go under and then he would eat them. I shoveled it out and installed a grate.

Olivia loves to play around with the soccer ball, but won't join a team yet.

Lucas is a good little goalie. 

He even does drop kicks.

He tried running out. 

But ended up back in the net. He had a really sore throat, but without him we wouldn't have had enough players.

Emily loves loves loves soccer. Unfortunately, I never got enough photos of her. I was too busy watching and cheering.

She was the best at throwing in. She's tall and has really strong arms.


Kim@Snug Harbor said...

Your house looks amazing. I bet people stop and admire it all the time.

sandy said...

so glad you have computer time again,,has been a busy summer for you,,is fun catching up

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

I think your house and gardens look great too. Your hard work shows.

The kids look like they all have fun playing soccer.


Arizaphale said...

Awesome awesome awesome. Your garden rocks.
Emily looks incredibly athletic. has she tried running?
And...I'm a city girl....pigs eat chickens????????????