The White House

The White House

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Cub Scout Day Camp #1

June 5....
At the beginning of June Lucas has Cub Scout Day Camp. It was four days long and ran from 9:45 to 3:30 each day. There should have been a rotation of parents volunteering. Instead it was two leaders with the older group and myself and another leader with the younger group. Every day. All day. Exhausting. 

On the first day the weather was horrid. It was freezing, the wind howling and some sprinkling. We did our best to enjoy the day.

The first station was an important one on the American flag and what it represents, but the Boy Scout doing the instruction did not bring it down to the level of 6-8 year old's and it was boring. They also practiced folding the flag.

The next station was kick ball which, of course, was a lot of fun. The running warmed the little guys up.

At lunch time I huddled my group by a building. After ten minutes I took them all to pile in my truck with the heat on full blast for 50 more minutes. We thawed for the afternoon.

There's more kids than this photo reflects... the little ones are hidden in the front.

After lunch was the physical fitness station with more running to keep warm. Here they are doing jumping jacks.

The final activity for the day was to bake cookies in a box oven.

Yes, that's me, in the ridiculous pink way-to-small headband of my daughters as it was all I could find when heading out the door.


Anonymous said...

Looks like the kids were having lots of fun. Did the cookies actually bake?
You are such a great mom doing so much for your kids and all the other kids who will have fond memories of you.

sandy said...

i think the hat is great,,,and love the treasure map,,the weather up there changes so much !! but maybe you will have a nice long fall and you can enjoy all the work you've done,,but you still have the wonderful summer ahead of you !!!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

I was wondering if the cookies baked too. I've read about solar baking in a foil lined box before.

Hope it warms up for you all.


Arizaphale said...

I have seen WAY worse headgear than that!! :-)
Kind of wish the BA had got into Guiding. She did Brownies in the UK but was not keen to continue with Bilbies (Aus version) here in Australia. I should have made her go as I KNOW she would have loved it, but we were just getting settled and it was all too hard. Love seeing all the activities you guys get up to. Know the whole 'young person not bringing it down to 6-7 year old level' scenario. Not everyone is a natural teacher :-)