The White House

The White House

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lucas’ First Game

After much whining from just being so tired I really did accomplish a little in my gardening work in the form of planting vegetable seeds. I don’t know if it is too late to start seeds, but since I never got some things going earlier that’s the way it has to be. We stopped at the greenhouse last night. A 6-pack of 2-inch high cabbage was $3.59. Nope. I’ll buy some seeds (One cucumber plant in a 5-inch pot which was really only 6-inches long was $7.99. Are they crazy?).

So I did not take photos of my gardening yesterday, but Homer did take photos of Lucas’ first soccer game… and he is just too cute not to share.

Olivia took the first photo. I like the angle.


Lucas made some great saves. He loves playing goalie and I’m sure he’ll do some goalie clinics as he gets older. He had one goal scored on him.


This is too cute for words. I love the way he’s holding his little hands.


Apparently, I do a lot of pointing. LOL The wind was blowing towards me so no matter how much I yelled they couldn’t hear me. I must have thought hand signals would work, but really, they aren’t looking at me either.



He picked up the ball. He cried. I actually went out on the field to try and console him. (I dare the ref to say anything).


Then, while my game was going on without me, I tried to talk to his embarrassed broken heart. For too long. Finally I gave up and hollered to the mom…he quits. So she came and talked to him. I do all I can to make kids feel good and comfort them when I need to, but there is a fine line between a child who takes too much attention from the rest and doing my best for that child. (My husband took the photo because he knew how much it was killing me to sit there while the game was going on and he thought that was funny).


Soccer “Mom” Coaches sit with their team at half time. I bet Soccer “Dad” Coaches do not.


I had a late player who I was passing out gear to during the game. Then there is making them get drinks, keeping the ones on the sideline from wrestling, etc. Too much other stuff took me away from the coaching part and we lost 3-0. I need one of those team moms that takes care of all the sideline stuff so I can focus on the game.

The worst part about coaching is going back and looking at the photos. I miss “seeing” his cuteness.



Another melodramatic moment of the sprained ankle that really wasn’t sprained. And the game goes on without me while I wipe tears with my frazzled flying grey hair.



And you don’t realize just how fat  you are until your husband takes a photo of you with the other coach and the super skinny mom. I’ve got to figure out how to fit exercise into my life.


Dad and son grinding parts on a scooter to make them work together. Next to the house. Because he has an ankle monitoring system that I don’t want to talk about right now.


The sun is shining. Olivia and I are going gardening. Or I am . She is probably going to swim. Bless her little heart.


Kim@Snug Harbor said...

You're too hard on yourself. The super skinny mom probably does not have 5 kids at home and doesn't juggle a billion things each day like you do. She probably looks at YOU and thinks "The mom who knows how to handle everything."

Nancy J said...

Many years ago I said to my Dr " I think I am too fat", and his reply!!" No way, a man does not like to get his hands on a bag of bones!!!', You are just built a little too low to the ground." Look at all you do every day, that is pure muscle. Well done Lucas, and hang in with ankle tags. Cheers from Jean,

Patty said...

Gayle-you are my soccer mom/coach HERO! You rock girl!

Lucas is a lucky kid to have you as a parent taking the time to coach. I know how much extra time and work goes into that!