The White House

The White House

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Just Another Thursday

Doesn’t that make you wonder “what the hell”? My temporary kitchen for the last three years doesn’t have many cabinets so I have a shelf for my food. This kind of stuff drives me nuts. Really. I know I’ve lived years of “chaos”, but that doesn’t mean I like it. So I cranked up the radio (after getting kids off to school) and set to work.

There’s not enough hours in the day. I don’t have any “after” shots, but know that my food cans are now all neatly lined up. (Doesn’t it make you feel good about yourself to see my mess?! LOL)


And that mess is still right there. I should pick it up instead of blog, but noooo……


But this one isn’t.


This is what happens to your table when you don’t have cabinets, counters or closets (or anyone else in the house that can put things away). I got half of it empty. I call that success!


I picked 13 pounds of cucumbers.


Once they were sliced and soaking I had to take Elijah down to the school district for more testing (which is why I need more hours in my day).


We got Lucas from school, went home for an hour and then Lucas and I picked up Olivia for their first cross-country race. There’s little Lukey holding hands with Homer and Emily. Olivia freaked out when she saw all the people and refused to run so she was standing with me.



Look at that smile!



Sometimes he ran….


Sometimes he walked…


Trying so hard not to smile at me!


Everyone who participated got a medal.


Lucas ran in the K-3rd grade group for 1.2 miles. Emily ran in the 4th-6th grade group for 1.8 miles.





At this point the poor thing had fallen way behind. Can you see the pain she is in? The sinus pressure pounded with each step so she had to do quite a bit of walking. I just wanted to grab her and hug her. It was pretty sad, but I am so proud of her for sticking it out. I hope she feels better next week.



Earlier in the day I had prepared salmon to bake for dinner (it’s topped with pepper jack and parmesan cheese). Homer went to spend time with the family whose son was killed at the school the other day and I took the little ones home.


I cooked up the Bread and Butter Pickles and got 5 quarts out of half the cucumbers (I ran out of onions to do the rest). Time with the kids, then bed time, then I called it a night. So many half done projects, house is a mess….not enough hours in the day.


Kim@Snug Harbor said...

You still get more done in half a day than I get done in 2 whole days. Your stamina amazes me. Lucas was adorable and Emily deserves a pat on the back for trying so damn hard. Good for her.

Lori Skoog said...

I'd say your day was very productive!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

Gee I wish I lived closer so I could get me some pickles...

Holly said...

There will never be enough hours in the day :) accept that, and whatever you manage to get done will always be a positive.
Congratulations to Lucas and Emily, hope Olivia sees how much fun it is and will join in next time.
Hope Elijah is still progressing well too.