The White House

The White House

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Has Spring Sprung?

Sunday my thermometer got up to 47*, but we still have a lot of snow.  This morning, in town, it was -8* below. Huge temperature swings is making progress to Spring pretty slow. Homer dug out a couple of those chairs and we soaked in some rays while Olivia rode the snow-go around and around.
When I wasn't sitting outside I was gardening.  I spent the entire day planting new seeds and transplanting seedlings.  I got quite a bit done, but am still behind.  Monday was a bust.  I spent a good part of the day working with the school to figure out Elijah's classes and how we are going to deal with his impairment.  Lost most of my day and my motivation along the way so not much got done around the house.
I hope it is a successful summer over-flowing with vegetables to jar. I'm getting very excited.  I used to only be interested in flowers and now I seem to be swinging the other direction.
Homer did some recycling and now I have nest boxes for the hens.  Monday I was supposed to paint, but as you know the day was lost.  After Olivia heads off the Kindergarten I am going to put on a coat of primer.  The girls will be so excited!  After it is put in the Hen House he will extend the top to the ceiling and put doors on it.  They won't be able to get up there and make a mess and I'll have additional storage.
And now a quick and shameless plug. My two great-nieces made the competitive travel softball team.  This summer they will be going to Oregon.  They have a raffle fundraiser to help offset the costs.  Unfortunately, one of the things with being isolated in Alaska is the cost of travel to get to where the competition is. Anyhow, the calendars are $20 each.  They draw $50-$500 prizes on all the green dates (55 of them) for a total prize amount of $10,000.  If your name is drawn it goes back into the pool for another chance at winning.  No more than 2000 calendars will be sold. If your name is drawn your prize is mailed to you.  If you are interested in helping the girls out or just like to gamble :) you can send me a message.  I'll give you my mailing address, you can send the money, I'll put your name in the pot and send back the calendar.

And that ends my shameless plug for the Nieces. :)

Well, I'd better get a move on.  No hurrying to school.  We have considerable amounts of black ice on our roads.  Some of it is from the freak rains we had this winter and some is due to the daily melting/nightly freezing.  Yesterday, two young people (22 & 23) died when they failed to navigate a turn sliding on the curve into on coming traffic.  None of the kids in the car were wearing seat belts.  Two died and one went to the hospital.  The driver of the truck they hit also went to the hospital.  It was very hard to send my boys off to school this morning. I sure hope some of my safe driving lecture got through to them. 

1 comment:

sue in mexico mo said...

Hi Gayle, It is great to see your tiny little plants. I hope you have a good crop! Of course, you are just making MORE work for yourself! But it will be nice to grow and preserve some of your own food. Good to know it is safe and clean.
We are having wonderful weather here. Yesterday I worked in my yard. I wore shorts!