The White House

The White House

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Random Acts of Kindness

The other day I got a package in the mail.  I never get packages so it was quite the surprise.
Inside that cute Christmas card it read: Thank you for all the enjoyment I receive from your blog. 
Wow!!  It actually brought tears to my eyes.  Someone I have never met who sympathizes with my current struggles took time out of their day to make me cookies and send them all the way from Missouri to Alaska just to make me feel better.  And it worked. Thank you so much Sue!! You are an angel.
And this?  This is how much wood one determined mom can dig out of ten inches of snow, haul inside at -10 below in a crappy little sled, split, stack and sweep up the mess while cooking four different dinners for seven people because they are all so damn picky.  Oh, and I mopped after I took the photo.

So what is the lesson we can learn from packages and hard work?

There is random kindness in this world and, no, it did not come from anyone currently sitting on the couch so, no, I am not going to share any of my cookies.

*side note* I cannot look at a 5-gallon bucket without remembering the three years I spent with a honey bucket while married to my ex because we were too poor for a sewer system.  Lovely.


Queen-Size funny bone said...

what a great surprise. you deserve it.

Janie said...

Sue must be quite a sweet lady. How thoughtful. Random acts of kindness are the best.
Ew, I can't even think about the 3 yearst with a honey bucket. No wonder he's an ex.

Patty said...

I used a honey bucket for a few months before too. It is not nice!

Great cookies from your blog friend!

Robb said...

You've been nominated for Blogger of the Month. For details check out and encourage your viewers to vote for you!!!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a sweet gift to a hardworking lady.

Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

Lori Skoog said...

Random acts of kindness make the most meaningful gifts. And you have been paying it forward...

Stay warm.

Tara said...

YAY for surprise cookies! I need to check out your dozen a day blog again and get motivated. I have about 12 dozen to make pretty quick here. Maybe I should go get a second rack for my oven.

As always, you amaze me with your motivation. Makes me feel lazy for sitting here reading this morning instead of doing the dishes/laundry/school etc. I'm glad you don't have to use a honeybucket anymore. EW.

Thank God for Homer!!

stace41971 said...

awww...what a great surprise..I wouldn't share either ;P
I wish I could be as motivated as you are...

Lisa L said...

love. lots of it to you and your's...i have been to the depths of despair in my time...all related to money and the lack thereof...if it wasn't for a kind pharmascist, a butcher, and a greengrocer? we would have starved to death. my firtborn would've probably been taken from me. enjoy the cookies. every bite. there *are* good people in the world. thank god.