The White House

The White House

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

tackle it Tuesday

You can see what other jobs are being tackled here!

Here's another area that was "abandoned" when we moved downstairs. I used to have my computer and crafting stuff here.

It has become Emily's room without walls. Sometime this summer we'll punch a hole in that wall to give her access to our second bathroom and a closet. We'll put up walls and new carpet and she'll finally have a real room of her own. Needless to say, my sweet little nine-year old is tickled pink with this so at least we don't have to put a rush on finishing! :)

Last week we set up a temporary grow room. We've already rearranged the space to add more shelves. The hubby is installing the lights.

Olivia loves to be my little helper with the dirt and water

My petunia wave order arrived from Harris Seeds.

I was so excited! Isn't that such a cute little plastic vial?!
I am already three weeks behind in planting. I couldn't make up my mind which seeds to order because I'm just so indecisive about stuff like that.
Yesterday, I worked on getting some planted. I had Lucas (2) and Olivia (4) helping. That was fun for about ten minutes. Needless to say I didn't get enough done!

This is what I have so far:
26 Easy Wave Red
27 Easy Wave White
29 Easy Wave Purple
27 Easy Wave Pink
25 Easy Wave Blue
That's 134 petunias down and another 230 or so to go. (Plus, hundreds of other plants). I ran out of the solid black trays to hold the pots. I went to three stores with no luck. The fourth stop was a greenhouse that carries them, but they are out. When you are isolated thousands of miles where everything is manufactured and shipped by barges and then trucked to your town, you are constantly out of things. They tell me I can pick some up Thursday so my already late planting is delayed even more!
I should have been more on the ball a month ago. We have to get everything going by mid-March since we have such a short growing season. I won't plant outside until after June 7th. Then it will all start freezing a few months later (all the beds will be cleaned out in September). Maybe next year....
What job are you tackling?


Unknown said...

Hate to tell you this,but we're well into our growing season here.(Please don't hit me!).It'll be over by the end of June(way too hot by then),and tonite we have the chance of frost! WTF? This is Florida fer Gawd's sake!

Corey~living and loving said...

So these are all for your yard? WOW! that must look so darn pretty. I can't wait to see it. :)

Little Black Scrap Cat said...

I can't wait to see your garden beds full of those petunias!! We are growing tomatoes, zucchini, onion sets and herbs right now. But all too soon they will be sun fried and dead. We have a second growing season in the fall though. Another shot at it. I don't usually bother with the flowers because they usually don't survive the hot sun.

Carla said...

busy busy busy!!