The White House

The White House

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Coloring Eggs

Olivia is such a sweetheart (just like her daddy). She loves to do just about anything. She talks and talks and talks (just like her mother!) and has such a good time.

Lucas is becoming quite the ham. He thinks every photograph should be of him. He really had fun with the eggs....dipping them in and out as fast as he could and moving on to another egg. Not one to worry about the details!

Yes, my darling nine-year old Emily looks like a teenager. She was playing at Grandma's and has on eye make-up. Emily was most interested in getting done so she could eat the eggs!

Little Lukey didn't break a single egg. He was pretty gently for a two (almost three) year old.

Miss Olivia got her nails painted at Grandma's house. She waited and waited on that egg, but something was wrong with our colors.

Only the pink and blue really worked.

The stickers were the best part!
I have a few totes of Easter decorations, baskets for each child and hundreds of plastic eggs, but since we are temporary residing in the garage I can't get to my things. They are safely behind a big screen television, and it just didn't seem worth the effort. Nick and I went shopping today and picked up these pails. Inside are 12 eggs for the Easter Bunny to fill with candy and hide for each child. Then the pail becomes their basket to be filled with goodies. (In my home, you are never too old for the Easter Bunny or Santa).

On a completely unrelated note things are going fairly well in the planting department (just in case you were wondering). I planted this alyssum yesterday. It's growing. What happened to "seedlings emerge in 8-10 days"? Apparently, I have optimal growing conditions.

I have now added to my "it's been planted" list:
54 Disco Mix Marigold
29 Silver Tidal Wave Petunia
30 Purple Tidal Wave Petunia
2 flats of Alyssum-white
31 Pink Vein Shock Wave Petunia
26 Pink Shades Shock Wave Petunia
26 Purple Shock Wave Petunia
28 Rose Shock Wave Petunia
24 Cherry Tidal Wave Petunia
58 Bells of Ireland
And there is so much more to do. Oh, and did I mention is was 55 degrees at my house today and melting like crazy. Great motivation!


Amanda said...

Looks like the kids had a great time coloring easter eggs. We didn't get any of the easter decorations out until lastnight AFTER the kids went to bed. Seems I just wasn't in the mood. Don't know what my deal is this year! Not in the mood for much....probably because there are ALWAYS a million other things to think/worry about!

Snowbird said...

Happy Easter to you and your family Gayle. The kids look like they had a ball coloring and decorating the eggs. I'm with Emily--I like to eat the eggs too.

Can't wait to see the plants all grown up and thriving outside in your garden. Wow!! 55 degrees. It must feel like summer after all the days of 20-30 below!!

DeniseinVA said...

You have a lovely family and I enjoyed your photos. Takes me back to when my son was little and we used to color eggs, hide eggs in the garden, lovely memories. Happy Easter to you and your family.

Little Black Scrap Cat said...

Happy Easter, Gayle! The kids look like they had fun. My DD loves to color the eggs, but not eat them! Hubby & I eat deviled eggs until they're gone.

Never too old for the Easter Bunny or Santa in our house either. My DD just figured it all out this past Christmas - (9 yrs old Jan 10th). I know she suspected last year with all the odd questions she asked. She handled it very well.

Little Black Scrap Cat said...

Oh yeah - I can't wait to see the garden beds!!!!!!

Patty said...

Love the sticker eyes on the eggs. Those are great. I miss having young boys were awake for almost an hour with my humming "here comes peter cottontail" the whole time, wishing them HAPPY EASTERS about 10 times, before it dawned on them that maybe the Easter Bunny came! Looks like you guys had a great morning!

Martha said...

Sounds like a wonderful time. I hard boiled eggs, but they were eaten before they were dyed! I hid 18 plastic eggs filled with cash instead of candy for my daughter, she still lucks to hunt for them!

Tootie said...

Wow, the snow is melting!! Woo~Hoo! That weed burner idea is cracking me up. :-)

Tara said...

I love coloring eggs! They are old enough to really enjoy it and be fun to work with, too. How do you like the age separation between them? I think we may be testing it out ourselves soon...