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The birds have started arriving at Creamer's Field after a very long migration. Everywhere you looked there were pairs of Canadian Geese.
The males were making quite fuss.
Honking and carrying on to get the ladies attention.
Personally, if he was screaming in my face like that I'd find a new mate!
There's the old Dairy Barn that houses the visitors center.
Check out that breaking action!
I believe this is a pair of swans, but it started to rain on me so I didn't check the display board.
Sand Hill Cranes
Gayle...great photos. You are turning into quite a photographer. (and you also seem much happier the past couple days) It must be warming up to have open water. Enjoy the weekend.
Great geese shots. I've just enjoyed a quick skim through your blog, it was fun. Love the dogs and I totally agree about how not all dogs fit in as you'd want. It's often better that they go to a place where they'll be so much happier.
Looks really nice. The geese never stop here they just fly overhead
The white birds (visiting the white house) look like the mute swans that pass through my part of michigan twice a year. The are beautiful to watch when they are flying in flocks (what is it called when there are many swans?), and 2 or 3 always nest and stay all summer. The are even more aggressive than geese when they are nesting, and have attacked a number of chickens and dogs nearby (our version of 'dangerous wild animal')
Awesome action shots of those Canadian geese! Wonderful pics all around. I miss those birds from my time living up North. NEVER see them down here in AZ.
Beautiful birds. you saw and p hotographed a nice variety.
GREAT shots. My favs are the two flying ones. those are amazing. :)
Great shots Gayle, especially the flying ones.
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