The White House

The White House

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Arrrrrrgggggg! *sigh*

This is me.

My husband is gone.
I am home alone with five children.
One of them is in some kind of trouble at all times.
We have a lot of drama.
I have six dogs.
They pee.
They poop.
It's all very ugly.
Did I mention my husband isn't here?
I almost got stuck in the driveway.
I'll probably get stuck tomorrow.
The trash has filled the truck.
The truck won't make it out of the driveway.
I am sure at some point it is going to smell.
The yard is a muddy mess.
Mr. Obnoxious broke his chain.
My husband is hundreds of miles away.
The door fell out of the frame.
You have to put it back every time you go in or out.
I have no less that 4 million 651 thousand and 29 plants growing.
I ran out of lights to grow them under.
I don't know what to do with them.
I'm watching them die.
Maybe I should plant less.
I have to talk to the school everyday about something.
I hate talking to the school.
My MIL is going to be here in about 20 days.
Lucas put a bagel in the toilet.
My husband won't be home for a very long time.
I'm finding our mail in the ditch as the snow melts.
Jehovah's Witness knocked on my door yesterday.
We hid and didn't answer it.
Olivia has an eye appointment tomorrow.
I do not want to hear there is no change in her eye.
I miss Cody.
He isn't coming back.
The school wants a check for $727.55.
For damage my son didn't do.
A lawyer will cost me more than that.
The bus company is suing me for running me over.
Another $1000 bill to fix teeth since Son didn't wear his retainer.
Can I pay everyone with blood?
Lucas will be three in 16 days.
I have more chores that are undone than you could even possibly imagine.
I haven't even told you the good stuff.
I am healthy.
I love my husband.
I love my kids.
I think I love my dogs.
I still look like this:

I may or may not blog.
Don't give up on me.
I am hiding.
Don't bother calling me.
We won't answer.
Don't knock on the door.
We won't answer.
I am de-stressing. (Not sure of the proper word).
Stress Be Gone!


Tootie said...

Poor girl, you need to slow yourself down. Forget all those extra jobs you are making for yourself. Like scraping, knitting and how many plants can one person actually need? Give yourself a break. Tie the wild kid to a chair. :-) Hee, hee! Then call the school and tell them to give him a job to pay off his debt. The part about locking yourself in the house seems like a good idea, and I don't blame you. If I were the Mom, more than one person would be suffering right now. The family is LUCKY to have you. They could have had a Mother like me! Maybe the kids and critters had better calm down or you could end up like me. Hee, hee! I would have lost my mind a month back down the road. Don't know how you do it all! When's husband coming home?

And, before I forget, I'll answer your questions: The causeway is almost 3 miles long and there are three bridges that are connected by two little man made islands between them. The first bridge as you start toward the island is the really tall one, it replaced one that had a draw bridge in it. Boats can now safely go under it.

Anonymous said...

Dogs almost always stay at home and are nice and peaceful if you feed them. It is only those who are not fed who try to get away. LOL

Hell, the way I feel this morning I thought your post was hilarious. Funnier even than George Bush and his "Mission Accomplished" sign which I thought was kind of tacky. Some say he had one smaller on his back. Or Cheney's torturous Revelations Memo.

The "ringer" for me and I would have given him a prize -- is the bagel in the toilet. I should do that for my wife of 54 years and see if we then make it to 55. LOL

What a lady. What a post.

Abe Lincoln stopped over.

Unknown said...

And this too shall pass.

Love the bagel in the toilet!
Better than the teddy bear my oldest put in the toilet once.He was giving his teddy a bath.....Made sense to him.

B said...

Yup, your in a place that is not a lot of fun.

Hold on to what ever sanity you have left..I hope blogging it made you feel a little better.

p.s we hide when the JW's visit too.

Nellie said...

Oh, Gayle... don't have any answers for all you're facing right now. Throw away the plants that are dying, but please don't give up blogging. I sure as heck would miss your wonderful pictures and hearing about you and your family.

All the crap will pass, it always does!

Slow down and take time to simply enjoy the little things and don't work so hard!

Hope you get back to feeling like yourself soon.


Pattycakes said...

The bagel in the toilet made me laugh out loud. Carson threw our cell phone in their once, and his juice cup all the time could be found in the toilet.
Oh, and we have hid from the Jehovah's knocks many a day!

Christy said...

Oh man! You deserve a meltdown! Put all the kids to bed and drink a bottle of wine.

Amanda said...

HUGS!!!!! I agree with the comment on calling the school, and see if your son can work it service! What better way to make it right?!? Even if he didn't do it, it will be good for him.

How soon will hubby be home??? I'd go crazy as well! I'm cleaning the house like mad...or shall I say I was! Heck obviously I'm not cleaning if I'm reading blogs! :) HAPPY DAYS!

Little Black Scrap Cat said...

Wow!! I'm with Christy.... put them all to bed and enjoy a bottle of wine!

I also agree with asking the school to give the son a job to payoff the bill. It's character building.

Please take some time for yourself, and don't stress about the sprouts and the trash. When did you say hubby is coming home???

Snowbird said...

What Tootie said!! The fact that you apparently still have a sense of humor (I think) speaks volumes. The bagel in the toilet made me laugh outloud. Hang in there. Maybe when Hubby gets home, you need to take a trip of your own--to Sanibel and the beach.

Queen-Size funny bone said...

I wish I could come and help
you. Time to start a boot camp and hand out the chores or else! lol

Tara said...

You are so awesome, Gayle. Wish I were there to help you. Then again...I'm half insane anyway, but it might give me that edge I need ;)