Last week I was driving down my road, Bluegrass Drive, to return mail to its rightful owner. I saw a sight that I knew I just had to post for Lori at the Skoog Farm. (I'll get to that later).
I remembered the meme That's My World Tuesday and thought a limited tour of Bluegrass Drive would be fun. I say limited because if you know anything about Alaska and Alaskans you know most of them are here for their privacy. And they carry guns. And not all of us are stable. (Did I just say I was stable. Maybe not entirely). Any whooo...I already felt a bit of shame photographing what I did so here is a shortened version of the three-odd miles of Bluegrass Drive.
It all starts here at the corner of Isberg (said Iceberg) and Bluegrass Drive. That's my house.

You go past my crazy neighbor and a couple of houses and you'll come to this....

Yes, out here in the middle of nowhere, is a light pole turned into a TV antennae. Where does a guy get one of these?
Past a few house and around a corner you will find a typical Alaskan home. Plywood sheeting covered with Tyvek (mostly) and inhabited. We tend to get 'em livable, move in and the progress stops. My home is the perfect example of that otherwise I would not be typing this from my living room/garage.

Down around another corner is this cool hippie type sign in front of a less-than hippie kind of home.

Further yet you come to this very expensive home...I think it went for $325,000. The owners of the (one and only) local Wendy's restaurant live here.

This is the house across the street.

Nick joined me to get the last few photos and took this (blurry and bumpy) shot of the road less travelled. I didn't realize they hadn't plowed since we got all that snow, and the entire way I thought we were going to get stuck.

Does anyone else see the irony here? Unfinished home half covered with Tyvec with TWO satellite dishes.
Looking closer...."Go inside and watch the tank". Is that a note to a house sitter or to himself? Many people haul water in tanks in the back of the truck. You can see the pipe at the bottom of the building he connects to to dump the water to a holding tank inside.

Look even closer and we have a little political statement. And is that Santa in the window?
This house is round.

Doesn't every home have a punching bag at the end of their driveway?
I tried to post a google map, but couldn't figure out how to do it. If you look at the roads in this area they weave back and forth for no real reason. I think the operator was drunk.
Hope you enjoyed a tour of my world!
I'd say your world is pretty ecclectic and kinda' cool. Thanks for sharing.
Gayle...what fun was this!!!! I loved the trip...especially the sculpture and the signs....but then, that's why you took the photos...right? There are some pretty fancy houses in your neighborhood. By the way, Phoebe's full name is Phoebe Bluegrass.
lol, that unfinished house with two satellite dishes reminds me of rural Poland.
Oh and in case you're wondering where's all that My World Tuesday crowd, you misspelled your blog address.
I loved the pictures. The birds in rubber dresses are a hoot. (would that make them owls??) I still can't wrap my mind around living with that much snow. Of course that beats the flood that is going on around our house up north.
Thanks for the tour! Very interesting and so different than what I'm used to. I live in a cookie cutter house in a cookie cutter suburb. No character at all!
I loved the tour! The snow looks so pretty, as long as it's in Alaska. :-)
Thanks for the tour. Yeah, I'm missing my small town life in the mountains, but not all that snow!!!
I love peeking into people's lives! (blush) Thanks for the glimpse!
Thanks for showing me your world. Actually, I was looking for some warm weather postings because I have as much snow as you, and I'm hankering for green. But, I liked your photos and commentary - made me think of a Beverly Hills tour only better.
Way out in the boonies. thats what they say about my little town but your way out.
I loved this tour! So much fun. I know I sound like a broken record here, but oh my, the endless snow.
Oh gosh i loved this drive, and all the little statues with the Obama signs, still laughing
I love your sense of humour!
Thanks for educating this Canadian gal. I assumed you Alaskan's were just like us Northerners? Polite, kind and quiet..LOL.
Seriously you live in a BEAUTIFUL place. Like I said Alaska intrigues me and one day...ONE DAY I will travel there.
Thanks for the tour.
Don't must republicans hate jane Fonda? Or is that the Vietnam vets?
Anyways great pics! And by the way people I have been to gayles house and it is out in the boonies!! ;)
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