The White House

The White House

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year
to all my Blogger friends (and stalkers).
We are making some changes here at The White House to make damn sure 2009 is a great year. Resolutions? You bet!

1. Work less, play more. That is pretty much self-explanatory....we intend to worry less about "getting things done" and more about "living life to the fullest". There will be an awful lot of camping, fishing, lounging, exploring, playing, hugging, kissing, laughing, maybe even some's going to be a great year!

2. Do Away with the Bad. Anything (or anyone) that has previously brought sadness, anger, grief, stress or any of that other icky stuff into our home won't be allowed to anymore. We seem to be the sole focus of some very pathetic people (who really need a life)... they do nothing but spend their time concocting ways to hurt us (I say...get another hobby!), and they will be ignored. That simple. What they say or do or think (or lie about) means nothing. They are insignificant and cannot hurt us. We started clearing out "the bad" much "baggage" will be leaving our home. And man, does it feel good! What a wonderful "first day of the year" it was.

Okay, that's it for the Resolutions.
Having more fun + ignoring the pathetic = a fantastic year!
I don't think it gets any better than that.

So what kind of changes are you making this year?


Jess said...

Great resolutions!!!! Based on experience, you will be very happy with #2. We have learned to ignore those types of people and it's been good not having the drama associated with them surround us!

Snowbird said...

Great resolutions. They all sound great.

OMG!! I just noticed that your temp is -38 but it only feels like -27. Is that a windchill in reverse. Either way, too cold for me.