The White House

The White House

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

( Click the photo to check out more Thursday Thirteeners!)

Thirteen things I learned this week (in no particular order):

1. If a big bus being directed by idiots in orange vests through an area it won't fit hits your car and the idiots in the orange vests who don't want to lose their jobs vouches for the idiot bus driver who doesn't want to lose his job the bus company will not pay for your damages. It becomes a driver-driver situation, and now I am stuck with a dent I have to pay for because they lied to save their ass. Nice.

2. I am obsessed with the weather. What it was, what it is going to be, what it is now. I like to complain about the cold and I can't do that unless I'm paying attention. Mr. White found me a thermometer. I'm pretty excited about it!

3. If a dog drinks a lot of water it will pee a lot on your floor.

4. A two-year old boy will eat a lot of toast if you let him.

5. Ringworm is not really worms, it's a skin fungus. It's contagious. It can get really bad. Cody caught a mild case at wrestling, and won't be able to wrestle at Regionals this weekend. If I catch it I will wig out.

6. Internet is more addicting than drugs. When I was without Internet for about 15 hours I had major withdrawals.

7. Just when you think you have blown the last bit of gunky yellow snot out of your head your body makes more. It's efficient like that.

8. Painting really isn't as much fun as I hoped it would be.

9. Christmas presents do not buy themselves. Nor do they wrap themselves. Nor do they get to the post office all by themselves. There may be no Christmas this year.

10. Just when you think your child couldn't be anymore wrapped up in themselves thinking the world revolves around their needs, they demand more. (spoiled brats!)

11. Sharing your King size bed with your children doesn't mean you'll have room to sleep comfortably. It means they will sleep sideways and kick you in the face!

12. If you leave the dishes on the counter long enough no one in the house will wash them. They will just stink.

13. It was -20 and I didn't want to hang up lights outside. It is now +20 and I still don't want to hang lights outside. Gaining 40 degrees isn't enough to make me want to go outside.

So....what did you learn this week?


Anonymous said...

Fun list, but no matter the temp nothing is going to convince me to hang xmas lights. :) Happy TT

Anonymous said...

Ringworm! Ewwwww.

sobeit said...

Funny list! I wouldn't hang the Christmas lights either! I learned that no matter how busy we are at work (teacher), they will keep adding things to the calendar for Christmas! Happy TT!


Anonymous said...

ROFL, I learned that if you tell your children to clean their rooms, but don't go look right away... You find that that "room cleaning" really means put everything behind the furniture...

Tara said...

I learned that when you put 4 people in a space the size of a bedroom it becomes like hell, no matter how large the reward at the end! ;P The house looks great, btw! You guys are doing a great job :D

Tink *~*~* said...

Pardon me for sounding like a Floridian, but butt-freezing cold is butt-freezing cold. +20, -20, what's the difference? It's COLD!


Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

Corey~living and loving said...

for better or worse this post made me smile.

sorry I have been MIA, I've been too busy to blog lately. I hope I didn't miss anything vital.
have a great weekend.