The White House

The White House

Friday, December 26, 2008


Saturday night Roscoe and I played in the snow. I know you know I hate snow, but Roscoe doesn't know that. He had a lot of fun.

Sunday, Roscoe and I went for a walk. We headed up the road...

At a pace too brisk for me!

Is he pulling me?

Of course, I was decked out in the latest fashion....bunny boots and can probably gather that I've never been concerned with what other people think.

We are on the way back home.

Daisy was watching us. Right after that Roscoe pulled me and I fell. End of walk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Home for a few. Good to see the blog and get caught up with your family again. Keep up the good work. Good picture of Dad.
Love ya,
Big Brother
P.S. On the road again 1/3/09.