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December 8, 2008
Outside my window...Everything is covered in several inches of new fallen snow. It really is a beautiful winter wonderland, but my thermometer says it is -2 so I'm staying inside! According to the Internet weather the Fairbanks Airport reports -23 and Ft. Wainwright (5 miles away) reports -4. When I call time/temp they tell me it is -10. I'm going with time/temp since I'm usually 10 degrees warmer than town (I'm in the hills).
I am thinking...I have spent my entire morning on the computer and I really have so much to do!
I am thankful for...my children. Even though they give me a run-for-my-money on occasion, I can't imagine how boring my life would be without them.
From the learning rooms...Olivia will practice writing her ABC's and Lucas has learned to say "thank-you" without being prompted!
From the kitchen...absolutely nothing! I should bake some pumpkin bread or brownies for an after school treat.
I am wearing...pajamas. There really isn't anything else, is there?
I am creating...sewing aprons.
I am going...finishing my sewing today so it isn't hanging over my head anymore! Then it's back down to paint the kitchen floor.
I am reading...my favorite blogs to catch up from the weekend.
I am hoping...for warm weather over Christmas vacation so the boys can do a lot of snowboarding and snow machining. Normally, it is one of our coldest times of the year (-30 or more) so I'm hoping this year is different!
I am hearing...the Wee People playing Pet Shop on Elijah's computer.
Around the house...it is not as festive as it should be, but we are so busy with remodelling the decorating has been tossed aside.
One of my favorite things...Mr. White's laughter. When he smiles and laughs it melts my heart.
A few plans for the rest of the week... Send out Christmas cards. If I can accomplish that I will be doing good. Of course, I'd also like to get the new kitchen finished and the ceiling done in the living room, but Mr. White is going out-of-town for work Tuesday so progress will stop until he returns ???
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
I suppose apple trees do not grow naturally in Alaska for a reason! The leaves never fell off and now the snow has bent them over. I will have to bundle up and help them out by plucking leaves. Something tells me I'll be digging up all my new trees and replacing them with a sturdy spruce!
Apparently, I have not been to the wild bird feeder in awhile. Look at all the snow on it!
A little after noon and I can see the sun on the horizon. It doesn't get quite high enough to actually shine on my home.
But you can see it shining on the hills in the distance.
*side note...it may only be -2, but the windchill has got to be -10 or more. It was quite chilly running out to get these photos!
1 comment:
I have a picture of my thermometer at -60. It doesnt happen here very often...but when it does...OUCH.
I love the progress you've made on your house, you're moving right along, it's going to be great to have all the extra room! I wish we could do something like that here. :-)
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