The White House

The White House

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thursday Thirteen: 13 Scenarios That Make Me Say Why?

(Click the above link to see more 13 lists!)

13 Scenarios That Make Me Say Why? :

1. Let's say you are a school bus driver. It's 8:40am and -10 degrees outside. You see a mother and son rushing down the front steps waving wildly for you to stop yet you drive on by leaving the boy standing. Why?

2. Let's say you are a school bus driver. It's 4:15pm and you are about to leave the school to take the children home. You open your bus door to tell a child they can't get on your bus and they should go get on bus 37. Bus 37 stops 8 miles from this child's home. You are this child's bus. You tell your boss the child was late for the bus and therefore missed it. You took the time to open your door and talk to this child to send him away yet you couldn't let him walk up two steps. Why?

3. A little dachshund goes outside to do her business. Granted it's cold, but it is outside. The proper place to do your business. A little dachshund (actually five) comes back inside and poos on the floor. Why?

4. You are a teenager who has lived in the same home with the same laundry room with the same laundry baskets for over four years. For four years your mother has nagged at you to sort your clothes into the right baskets yet you still stand in the doorway and toss the clothes in all directions. Why?

5. I do not like to talk on the phone. Ever. Let's say you are a teenager in my home and I say, "Don't answer the phone unless it is for you" (Caller ID is a wonderful thing). You answer the phone. The caller wants me. You hold the phone out to me with your deer-in-the-headlights look like I'm going to take it. Why?

6. There is a force-field over my garbage that causes trash to hit the floor rather than go in. Why?

7. Let's say you are a teenager in my home and 4632 times I have told you to rinse out your cereal bowl when you are done, but you don't. Why?

8. Under no circumstances is anyone to be rummaging through my desk. Everyday someone rummages through my desk. Why?

9. You are a teenager in my home who is not allowed to have food in his room. You take food in your room everyday. Why?

10. I over volunteer when I actually (finally) have the opportunity to just sit on my fat arse and be lazy. Why?

11. You are my husband. We have a conversation (I talk, you listen). I tell you what time and where the (insert sporting activity) is. When I am done telling you, you ask me what time and where. Why?

12. You are my husband and you wonder why I am pissed repeating what I just told you. Why?

13. It is 9:00am. I have to be at the school at 3:15pm. I will be late. Why?


Anonymous said...

I have soooooooo many WHY's. i can't even begin to write them down.
13 Amazing Reasons to Come to Costa Rica

Anonymous said...

I'm having problems with my school bus driver too. Grrrrr.

Always Been Different said...

LOVE your # 11 and 12 "WHY"
PLEASE someone tell me WHY!!!

Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

First of all...I was thrilled to see we had a new bus diver yesterday because the old one was fired on Monday. Yipee.
Second....that was the funniest stinkin' post I've read in a long time. I'm still giggling. I think we have the same teenagers living in our homes.

Jess said...

It's scary but I have asked myself why to every single one of those questions. The only difference is my dog is a yorkie.

Becky said...

i with jess all 13 apply. our driver actually told my 10 year old with me standing next to her she needs to learn where she lives. excuse me, you drive the bus!

Anonymous said...

If the first two happened, I hope you complained to someone in authority.

Anonymous said...

If numbers 1 & 2 happened to my child, I'd be on the phone with the county so fast their heads would spin!

Carmen said...

Why? That's the million dollar question. :)

Anonymous said...

do we live in the same house, or have the same kids or something? That cereal bowl and the trash on the floor ones.....

Anonymous said...

PS Im also afraid to call your house now! =)