The White House

The White House

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Snowing

Check out more Wordless Wednesday by clicking on the photo!

(Mother Nature was really letting it rip for a little while!)


Anonymous said...

It's so pretty . . . when it's in YOUR world! I am not looking forward to being cold and wet!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

I love the way it looks as long its in Alaska. Please keep all flakes to yourself thank you.

JO said...

oh no... is it snowing in your place? isn't that a bit early?

Pls. visit mine at Thanks!

Always Been Different said...

WOW! Just beautiful!!!

Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Nice shots. I like them and I guess you got a snow job.

stace41971 said...

Beautiful. Please don't send it this way. :-)