The White House

The White House

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Emily

Happy Birthday to my darling Emily. She's nine years old today. I'd like give you a long horrifying birth story, but I can't unless I make it up.

In 1999 my then-husband was working out-of-town. I wasn't feeling super great so I went to the doctor to get checked out. At his office I was 9 cm! (I felt a little tired, but definitely not in labor). They wanted an ambulance to take me to the hospital. I said I had it covered. I called my friend, Kris, to pick me up. On the way to the hospital we had to drop off some chairs she had rented for her daughters baby shower the day before. I really wasn't in a big hurry. I felt fine. We got to the ER and checked in. The were expecting me as the doctor had called ahead (and wondered why I took so long to get there). They asked if I wanted a wheel chair and I said I'd be fine walking up. The doctor came in, broke my water, I pushed twice and she was born. It was 45 minutes from the time I walked in the door until she was born. Yes, I screamed and I cussed because although it was quick it still hurt like hell! Emily had beautiful, black and chubby cheeks. Yes, she is white, but I pushed so quickly (I believe the doctor told me to stop, but I said no) her faced was badly bruised, and she looked black. It cleared up quickly. Anyhow, they shoved me off into a corner room by the stairs as they were over full, and left me there for two days to basically fend for myself. I'm not one to want help and it was my third child so they let me be. My husband didn't come home so I was alone. To be honest, it was rather depressing stuffed in no-mans-land. I only stayed the two days (rather than one) because I had a six and three-year old at the sitters that I would have to pick up and be on my own with. (I went home after 24 hours with Nick, and less than 24 with Elijah). You know, I don't even remember who I called to give me a ride home from the hospital, but this birth was not one of those sweet-take-lots-of-photos-and-show-the-love births. Sad, huh? Anyhow, no matter how that pretty little girl came into the world doesn't really matter. I'm just glad she did. :)

I just wanted to get that birthday wish out there before here special day is over. I'll edited tomorrow to add the photos. I'm too exhausted at this point to dig them up!


stace41971 said...

Happy Birthday Emily!
Lyli's birth was quick too..not as quick as that, but I went from 3cm to 10 in less than an hour...O-U-C-H!
I stayed alone in the hospital with Aysha (my first), I hated it. After that I made Mike stay with me every birth..squeezing into those little hospital beds was interesting.
When I had Tryphon I pushed him out really quick..until he got stuck at the shoulders, that his face was all blue..he looked like papa smurf..and we called him that for a while.
I hope Emily has a great birthday :-) and that you enjoy it too :-)

Queen-Size funny bone said...

I wish my girls were younger again. I liked being needed. Happy birthday to your daughter Emily.

Anonymous said...

That is nice to hear how she came into the world. I think I will do the same for Carson's bday next month!

Corey~living and loving said...

Now that is quite the birth story. whew....wore me out.

Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter. :)

Tootie said...

Good lord girl, you need help! I don't know how you get it all done. You deserve a medal! :-)