For Today...
Outside my window...the sun is shining, but the temperature is only in the 20's. There is scattered snow patches in my yard although our first snow melted in town. I do not get enough winter sun.
I am thinking...I should drag the garden hose in and thaw it, but it's so long and so much work and so cold out. It's so toasty in the house. I am also thinking I hope the pumping and thawing guy gets here soon. The sewer is backing up and we can't use it.
I am thankful for...a wonderful husband who accepts me with all my quirks and sudden mood changes. I'm not easy to live with, but he does it with a lot of love.
From the kitchen...not a clean dish to be seen. I can't run the water until the sewer is fixed. Saltine crackers and salsa for lunch for me!
I am wearing...the pajama bottoms I wore all day yesterday while working in the yard (I can't shower yet so no sense in putting on clean clothes), a too small t-shirt that is not flattering and my husband's wool socks.
I am reading...my Sunday paper. Again, it seems to be the only reading I get to these days.
I am hoping for...warmer weather so we can finish our outside chores before the real cold and snow settle in to our corner of the world.
I am creating...a dvd for Elijah's football team of all the photos I took this season. I have some really great shots and want to share them with all the parents.
I am hearing...Lucas playing with his cars, Olivia on the computer playing Magic School Bus: Bugs and the phone...oh, my dear Mr. White is bringing me lunch. Yea! No more crackers and salsa. :)
Around the house...there are a multitude of chores to be done, and I am taking the day off.
One of my favorite things...is when Olivia says "Mommy, I love you" for no apparent reason. (Like she just did).
A few plans for the rest of the week...finish the dvd for football, wash football gear to return, clean out the van I was supposed to clean out last week and start working on Christmas presents.
Here's a picture thought I'm sharing with you...
I am so proud of this boy! My quarterback/defensive lineman put in the extra effort and worked so hard to make several touchdowns, defensive tackles and help lead his team to a 39-33 victory in the championship!
Thank you for making me feel normal with my life. ;)
Did you say.....SNOW??? I think I just died a little....*sigh*
Hey..when your septic guy is done you want to send him this way...I have a tank in need of being pumped too :P
Oh my goodness, I can't believe you have snow already. I guess it is Alaska though isn't it. Yeah, I pretty much couldn't survive there.
I can't believe it's SNOWING where you live! Although I'm not really sure where that is... but it's still crazy!
I'm a Florida girl...the lowest temperature we get (sometimes) is like 42. And then we freeze!
Sometimes it's good to just take a day off and stay in your pajamas! I pretty much do that every Sunday.
cute blog, thanks for dropping by and saying hi!
Wait, I Just saw that you live in Alaska. That explains the snow! Anyways sending you some "warm" wishes. Go drink some hot chocolate.
I love that the guy running towards Elijah, that his last name is Homer...too funny. We just had the Pumping and thawing guy over to the tune of $310.00. Done for another year, I guess.
You have a real nice blog. I have enjoyed looking around. All your pictures are great!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope you have a wonderful week!
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