The White House

The White House

Monday, September 29, 2008

Not Me Monday

I didn't stress out at my son's football championship game so badly I'm pretty sure I missed all of his touchdowns. I couldn't have done that. He so wants to see himself scoring and I didn't blow it. No way! Not me!
I did not totally freak out on my family because we woke up to snow and the yard is full of toys and tools and lots more. Nope. Not me. I would never leave all that until it was too late.
I did not slave drive my family all day to pick up the things we left out to be buried in snow. That would be mean. I would never be mean. Nope. Not me.
I did not help my son do his science project that he didn't start until the day before it was due. I said he'd have to do it alone for procrastinating, and I did not give in and help him. Nope. Not me.
I am not still up at 1:30am writing this post because I really haven't blogged all week and I miss it more than anything. How pathetic is that! Who wouldn't blog all week? Not me!
Now you know what I didn't do...check out MckMama to see what she didn't do, catch the rules, join in and tell us what you didn't do!


Lori said...

snow?? that's crazy... ok I live in Orlando and we don't see snow in the dead of winter, but it's only September

Queen-Size funny bone said...


Jennifer said...

We're lucky to see snow once every few years here in Arkansas! The high is 82 today!

Anonymous said...

Snow? Where are you?

Jo-Jo said...

I am not glad you visited my blog! Nope not me! hee-hee. Love your blog!

Jen D said...

Oh my goodness...I am SO not ready for snow...I would be freaking out too!

Melissa said...

I know what you mean (or "don't mean") about the school project thing....somehow us mom's always end up with those!!

Kristen said...

Snow? Ugh. I refuse to acknowledge fall until Oct 1. Not ready for summer to be over, here in PA.