The White House

The White House

Monday, June 18, 2007

Photos through June 2, 2007

Yesterday the Club closed before I could's a few more pictures of the house and kids from this summer.

6-02-07 Nick and Elijah are racing BMX bikes this summer.
They seem to be able to do it every other year. Nick is
discovering that the other guys got a bit faster since he
last raced, but he is getting closer. (Nick is the one in the middle).

6-02-07 Elijah is such of good athlete...he won his race.

6-02-07 A lot of hardwork has gone into the front yard in
the last 13 days since Homer hauled the dirt. It's been a lot
of work from everyone in the family...if the kids aren't watching
the little ones then they were packing rocks or shovelling dirt.
I've been really impressed with everyone's effort. Above you
can see the various garden plots. We've planted potatoes, carrots
onions, radishes, pumpkins, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and
strawberries. There are also about 350 glad bulbs (with another
150 in the house unplanted...bought some, forgot I did, bought
more, etc.....old age!). We also planted some bushes...some died
right away so they were replaced with blueberry, current and
raspberry bushes. You can also see that I ran out of rock so
we'll haul more later this summer. The posts you see will be the
six foot fence that will run around the garden and duck pond.

Here I planted about eight varieties of sunflowers. Emily
and Sydney put the rocks around it themselves.

The waterfall is starting to take shape.

Homer is dozing the far end of the pond. It just seems to
be getting bigger and bigger.....

6-02-07 It is 11:35 PM in this picture. No rest for the
weary when there is 24-hours-a-day daylight! Homer
works so hard all day and then comes home to start over.
There are days I wish we hadn't started such a big project,
but once it is done it sure will be worth it.
6-06-07 Emily is seven and a half years old. She got braces
on her top teeth today to make room for some adult teeth.
The blue matched her eyes so beautifully!

The picture is taken from the front steps. I had just finished
seeding the bank and covering it with hay when a thunder
storm moved in and it poured. I hope all the seed didn't
wash away. You can see part of the fence is up now. Actually,
it is really hard to see the silver fence when you are standing there as
it blends in so nicely.
This is the end of the pictures that I have ready for the blog. The plants have grown so
much more and there are little changes. In the next few days I'll get the rest of the photos
posted and get everything current. I'll also get some photos of the rest of the family (dogs, ducks, geese and turkeys). I hope to hear from some of you....maybe you'll be inspired to share some of your summer photos with me!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Gayle and her fabulous family :-) Your kind words of encouragement mean the world to me!! It is comments like yours that that make me want to post more!!

Your yard work is truly the polar opposite of the beauty I am currently living in ;-) What an amazing work of art. It seems we do have something in common, a husband who will make our dreams come true... Your family only grows more handsome/beautiful each time I see them. Much love to all.. Laura & her Motley Crew