The White House

The White House

Monday, January 2, 2012

Trying New Things

I have never been hurt by what I have not said. ~Calvin Coolidge~

I got up early this morning, showered and went downstairs to watch Aaron throw the football only to find out that our local station was broadcasting a different game. And Aaron was sitting this one out.

I napped on the couch.

Sophie has claimed a spot under the end table as where she wants to sleep.


Emily cleaned out the books and gave her a blanket. I guess we’ll have to get her a bed if this is where she wants to be.


Today, at –35, my husband was in and out all day long. He had a big parachute over the loader with a space heater so he could get it running.


I made us a big breakfast.


We watched football, he went in and out, and I decided to try my hand at homemade yogurt for smoothies for the kids. If it works out I can take a $3.69 gallon of milk and turn it into a gallon (or so) of yogurt that would run me around $11. We’ll see.

I filled my big pot to use as a double boiler. Put in the second pot of a gallon of milk and thermometer.


Mixed up six tablespoons of “live” yogurt with a few tablespoons of the milk and set aside. The milk was heated to 180* then poured into glass dishes to cool. When it reached 110* I added the starter yogurt. The bowls were then covered with foil, wrapped in towels and put into the oven with the light on to keep it warm for 8 hours (or overnight…I’m leaving it overnight as I’m going to bed now). Sure hope it turns out. (If it does then I just save some of it to be the starter for my next batch).


I want to try lots of new things this year so another project today was making my own laundry soap.


I ran a bar of the soap through a food processor (after 10 seconds of using a grater I realized that was foolish). The shavings were melted in 12 cups of water on the stove. Then I added one cup of borax and one cup of washing soda. I put 8 cups of hot water in my container and added the soap mixture once everything was dissolved. I mixed it up, added another 2 gallons + 12 cups of water. I now have 4 gallons of laundry soap. It’s supposed to set 24 hours to gel and then use 1/2 cup per load. (That’s 128 loads….I can’t find my receipt so when I get a chance to price check I’ll tell you the break down. It was easier and is supposed to be a lot cheaper. Kind of fun, too).

Next time I will just put 4 gallons of water in the bucket minus about 6 cups to melt everything in. The multiple cup step was kind of silly.


Look what Grandma Debbi made for Emily. Isn’t it a beautiful purse. It’s even lined on the inside. I’d like to learn to make these….what great Christmas gifts.


She also made the little ones neck warmers. They were pretty excited.


This is what the loader deal was about. That jeep has been sitting here for eight  years doing nothing and now someone else wants it! I was glad to see it go. Now for the rest of used car lot! (Hasn’t moved in all these years and they actually drove it away!).



Olivia and I did a puzzle. She’s getting the hang of the 100 piece and will have to jump up soon.


Emily helped me bathe Sophie. She absolutely hates the water. She kicks, fights and bites. It definitely takes two of us and she’s just a little thing. Great…I have a dog that needs a bath once a week, needs trimmed all the time, brushed every night…. and she doesn’t like it. Sure hope she out grows that attitude! I can’t afford a groomer all the time.



What a day…I did a few things, but definitely not the kind of production I’m used to. That’s okay…. it’s “vacation”. The kids aren’t doing much either. I guess it’s our time to recharge our batteries before the second half of the school year gets underway.

Doesn’t look like we are going to catch a break in the weather with it being –20* and colder for awhile. We should take advantage of that and work on some things around the house. I know there is lots to do!


Kim@Snug Harbor said...

Those purses are adorable. I bet you could learn to make those easily. I love the laundry soap idea. Please let me know how well it cleans the clothes and what the financial breakdown was. I would definitely try that. I remember my mom making homemade yogurt in the 70's, but she had a yogurt maker.

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Lori Skoog said...

Why does Sophie need a bath once a week? Won't that get rid of all the natural oils she produces (and could make her itchy). She sure is adorable.

RottenMom said...

So after reading your post, I am COLD, hungry, and wanting a puppy! Boy has allergies, so the puppy won't be happening. I have wanted to make laundry soap for a while, I just might have to do it already.

Thank you so much for the Cmas card! I was so happy to get it! We did not send out cards this year, first time EVER and I am still bothered by it, maybe we will do Easter cards or something. I could not justify the cost of printing them. Tough end of the year!

Happy New Year!
Hope it's so much better than the last!