The White House

The White House

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I Am Exhausted

*494 wave petunia seeds planted one seed at a time with tweezers
*3 hours putting dreads in a head...
*1 hour cleaning...
*3 hours at the clinic for a broken hand (not mine)
*3 more hours putting more dreads in a head
*kids snowmachining, animals cared for, people fed....

I'm sure there was more, but I'm exhausted.

*we'll do it all again.


sue in mexico mo said...

dreads!!! Is there ANYTHING you can not figure out how to do? I am very impressed! When will we see pictures?

Janie said...

I'm tired just reading about it, Gayle!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

rainy day and pajammas needed