The White House

The White House

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday Thunks

Check out some witty bloggers here!

1. Someone knocks on your door. You have not seen this person in years. You were once great friends. Who would you like it to be and why? My childhood friend, Teresa. We were really good at pickin' up guys at the fair when we were teenagers. There's no substitute for teamwork like that.

2. What do you think would be a great song title that isn't one? Who do you want to record it? I'm Gonna Get My Own Life Now and Stop Meddlin' in Yours by My Husband's Ex-Wife and the In-Laws.

3. You are having a party. If I'm invited, what should I bring? A fast get-away car? A gun? No, really...just bring a friend.

4. If your spouse or s/o cheated with a one night stand while away, would you really want to know? No. And I really wouldn't want him to come back, either.

5. How long does it take for a house guest to drive you bonkers? 2.5 seconds. Maybe faster.

6. If you could pick a new color for the sky, what would you pick? Purple. It would make my son happy, and I aim to please.

7. What did you think of the Olympics? I think I shouldn't have hooked up the xBox to the only television that got Olympic reception and then maybe I could have watched some of it.

8. Could TT have thought of a lamer blogger that me to guest host? Define lamer.

9. What's the stupidest lie that someone really thought you'd believe? That I'm having a party.

10. What was the best day you had in high school? Tell us about it. Scoring the winning basket in the Nenana Invitational Tournament my Senior year.

11. Name something that you have in your home that you are sure most people don't. The ring used to circumcise my son 17 years ago. Ya, I pretty much saved everything from his childhood.

12. Why haven't you at least tried to play The Dating Profile Meme? Married people don't date.

13. Do you think homophobia is a choice? Well, if I thought homosexuality was a choice I'd have to say yes, but since I don't then I'd have to say no.


Patty said...

Yep, you got me beat on Nick's babyhood keepsake! ROFL

Christine said...

I like your county song! Too funny!!!


Bud Weiser, WTIT said...

And I thought I was invited to the party. My bad...