The White House

The White House

Friday, July 31, 2009

Camera Critters

For more critters go here!

While at Chena Hot Springs we took a stroll out to the barn where there are 13 horses and 1 burro.

They all seemed very happy and healthy.

Can you see how thick the smoke from the forest fires was?


Martha said...

Great pics, the smoke is incredible. I experienced smoke from FL forest fires the past few years, but nothing like that! I hated when I couldn't get the smell/taste of smoke out of my head.

Carletta said...

I don't think I could stand to be outside in all that smoke. How awful.
I love the horse the girl is riding - very majestic!

Love the old rusted car full of flowers a couple of posts down. :)

Carletta’s Captures.

Mara said...

Ehm, I might be a bit blonde on the inside here (otherwise known as dumb), but what's a burro? The only thing I can think of is burrito and for some reason, that doesn't fit in with your horses...
Nice shots by the way!

Janie said...

Beautiful photos, especially the draft horse (a Clydesdale?)
Wow, that is a lot of smoke. Hope the fires are out soon.

Queen-Size funny bone said...

wow I hope they get those fires under control soon. In the mean time don't get to close and stay well.

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful horses, I too hope those fires are extinguished soon.

Sandy Kessler said...

I want to be with you - too hot here s sandy

mimi said...

wow that's a lot of different colors of horses. how i love to ride on the horse but i don't have the chance.