The White House

The White House

Friday, May 15, 2009

I Can't Believe It's Friday!

I had to rake all the debris off the grass..... Nick and I could burn.
The left is unburned, the middle is burnt and the right is burnt and raked. The winds picked up so we had to stop not long after this. I am hoping we will be able to finish tonight. Then I'll fertilize, water and hopefully have a lawn soon.
The Wee People helped fill up some planters.
You have no idea how long this took with the help of a 3 and 4.5-year old. It's a wonder I get anything done! :) The greenhouse door is framed in since I took this photo. Should have the door on and the furnace exhaust in place tonight so I can start moving plants outside. Then I can plant these planters.

The little ones and I are going out to clean out a flower bed and plant the wildflower seeds Emily got me for Mother's Day. I can't finish burning the lawn until Nick comes home from Thomas' house. It definitely takes more than one person to keep it under control.

Tonight, Homer will be attending his oldest sons high school graduation. I met Andrew when he was in 7th grade. Hard to believe so much time has gone by. He's 19 and his own man now. We hope we'll see more of him. He's always welcome at our home.


Queen-Size funny bone said...

making progress I see.

Lori Skoog said...

You are going to have so many plants for your gardens. How many do you think you started?
Congrats on your award. Is it common to burn your lawn up there?

Nellie said...

Hi Gayle,
I was also going to ask about the burning of your lawn?

Gosh... all your flowerbeds! I feel like such a wimp because I complain about my aches and pains after cleaning only one pond and weeding around trees and a couple of flowerbeds! Wish I had your energy.

I can't wait to see what blooms from all your hard work.

Also, congrats on your award. You sure deserve it.


B said...

I cannot wait to see all your flowers in bloom!

anymommy said...

Wow! All your snow is gone?! When did that happen. That was fast - I swear the last time I looked at pictures here you had like three feet.

Gennasus said...

You've been so busy! Looks like it's going to be fab, can't wait to see it in the summer!

Tootie said...

I'm lovin that WHOLE flower bed thing! Can't wait to see flowers in bloom!

I've been catching up on my reading here. :-) Birthdays, scrapbooks, swing sets etc! Everyone is looking quite happy, even the critters.

Unknown said...

Wow!Your garden is coming right along.Won't be to long now,before it's all in bloom.
It's getting too hot here,these days,for things to grow.Weird....

Little Black Scrap Cat said...

Wow!! You've been busy while I was away camping with my little Brownies this weekend!! Can't wait to see all those beautiful plants you put in!!