He began by running laps up and over the furniture. If I had a dime for every time I said "No, Roscoe" (or something slightly more profane) I would be going on vacation. No kidding.

Compare his size to that of the Doxies. He's huge. *Side Note* Before I get an ear full on the dogs in the pen...they are not neglected. They get to run about one at a time supervised (when they are not in heat). They are held, hugged and kissed, but they cannot be out unsupervised. The bottom line: they pee/poo on the floor *Second Side Note* I'm working on "diapers" for the pups so they can be out all the time.

See those teeth? See the size of that mouth? It didn't take long for me to realize that every.single.toy has to be picked up until Mr. Over-Grown Puppy doesn't chew. NOTHING was safe from that mouth. 

"Hey, little girl. Can I sit in your lap?"

"Please!" (Yes, he tried to crawl in her lap.)

Roscoe thinks he's a lap dog.

You should always kiss the hand that feeds you.

"Come on! Let's roll around!"

After what seemed like forever he finally started to slow down.

Back to his spot in the house. When he isn't outside and can't be watched he's here. I know it might look mean, but I promise you it is way better than being put in a kennel. Here he can stretch out his long legs. The heated slab is a big bonus.
Later I'll try another twenty minute stretch. I'm hoping when it isn't so new he'll calm down.
he is so handsome! I know what you mean by manners, my hubby wants his old basset inside as much as possible, which means our young-less-than-mannered basset has to come in too (or howl because she is left alone outside).
She is just now working on her manners. Your doxies look like puppies next to him:)
does he get along well with the pups? our chihuahua's a pen too in the winter but they get out plenty when we are all home. especially now since im not working they are spoiled.
Roscoe looks so much like my Daisy. And he has the same personality, I think. She wasn't really potty trained until she was a year old. Now, at 2, she's reliable.
Also took her awhile to get over being wild in the house, but she's finally okay now. Labs really do take a long time to get over being puppies.
Roscoe is cute, but I was drawn to the Doxies. I had one when I was little named Fritzi. She was a great friend and companion. I visited Fairbanks once. We flew up in our little plane from Los Angeles and camped at the airport waiting for better weather. It never came so we flew through a few clouds (with the help of air traffic controllers of course) and the rest of the world was sunny. But we enjoyed our visit very much. - Margy
Roscoe is great Gayle....Hunter chewed everything...and left holes in the back of the boys tshirts where he grabbed onto them, when he was a pup.
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