Queen-Size Funny bone put a pay it forward contest on her blog back in February that I participated in. Look at what she sent me:

The idea is pretty simple:
(1) Be one of the first three commenters on my post wanting to participate.
(2) I will send you a small gift that I made.
(3) Post a photo on your blog
(4) Use the same rules, then pay it forward to your first three commentors.
(You have 365 days to do this, and you are also promising, by participating in this contest, that you will keep your blog open for as long as it takes to complete this task! The prizes can be from any price range.)
It is such a simple concept, and I have to tell you that getting this little package...

in the mail today put a smile on my face. It really felt good. (BTW try taking a photo of your right hand with your left hand...it's not that easy.)
I hope there are three of you out there who like to bring joy to others and will join me (because it will be really embarassing of I don't get at least three takers!). You never know...I like to make things so you might get something really cool. Or not. That's the risk you take! :)
Please, only participate if you truly intend on Paying It Forward. Thanks.
Now what do you say? I'm just itchin' to make you something! :)
Hi Gayle,
I've been "out of the loop" for a while, so I missed this concept!
It's a great one and I'm excited to see that I'm first to comment on your post.
Now, If I can only get the rules posted on my own blog right, I'll be anxious to see if I get any takers.
Thanks for visiting my new blog and being concerned about by "broken" spirit. I just need some time back in the blogging community to put me back on the right track. Thanks for asking! Visiting your blog helps more than you can imagine.
Count me in!!!! :)
Ill play!! of course I wonder if i'll have anything left to give away after this week!!! does that count!!
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