Do you suppose I started the project right away? Absolutely NOT! I started three days before it was due, completed it and received a 4.0 on it. What lesson did I learn? That I do my best work under pressure, of course! :)
Should I expect any less from Elijah? Mr. I-Want-To-Go-Snowboarding lied about having homework....he says he didn't lie, he "forgot". So Monday night at 9:00pm he tells us his science project is due Wednesday. He hadn't started. My head could have exploded.
It's a good thing Dad gave him a hand....

This is the initial design. Not only did he have to build it, he had to make 7 modifications, photograph them, make journal entries and graph the results. Arrrrggg!

After many hours and a late night here's the finished project. He has done research on friction, typed a one page paper, cited the sources, made the journal entries, printed photographs and made a graph....all bound into a book. The mouse trap vehicle traveled 85 inches (he's says that's as tall as Shaq). Tonight, he goes to the gym for a quick competition before his play-off basketball game. This car won't win....he needed to put a lot more time into it, but he'll get credit for trying and showing up.
Well, it's been years ago....but I still remember how bad those put off projects stressed me out. Don't worry about those gray hairs and wrinkles. They are trophies that are given out, by God, to the survivors. :-)
ooops...twice tonight have have messed up and commented on the wrong person's blog. LOL I'm reading several at the same time.
anyhow...I will be a nervous wreck when Sugar is in school. I worry too much, and something like this will have me MESSED UP!
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