The White House

The White House

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Laughter Lives Tuesday

Laughter LivesThis post is part of "Laughter Lives! Tuesday" on the Riggs Family Blog. Check our their blog to read everyone else's "Laughter Lives!" posts.

This week's theme is "things our kids have done".
Now I'm pretty sure I do not have time for another meme. Really, I can't keep up with the ones I used to do all the time. In fact, I shouldn't even be blogging right now (remember all those photos I need to edit?), but I'm rewarding myself with a little computer time after making valentine's and a "mailbox" with Olivia this morning.

My kids are my world so a meme about them is right up my alley. Or snowy walkway.

Nick: A couple years ago Nick thought it would be a really good idea to tie a tiny bike behind a big bike and have his buddy pull him down the road (crash helmet and all). It was not a good idea. Nick likes to scare me and he likes to do dangerous things. We can laugh about them later.
Checking out the "track".

Crash Dummy is ready to ride!
Here they go...
I believe this was a brake-free bike that went flying by me. Crazy boys!

Emily: I understand pain should not be funny, but the other night Emily walked into a gate. The funny part is that she wasn't the first one to go through the gate. Nor the second. She was the third person. It was there the whole time and she just smacked her face on it. Of course, Nick and I laughed, only Emily could do such a thing (oh, wait Elijah can, too), but she cried. It hurt her eye just a bit, but she is fine now.

That pretty face wouldn't look right with a black eye...

Elijah: So the gate story reminds us of Elijah. He was on a field trip downtown. Busy talking and not paying attention as usual. He was walking backwards, turned around and wham! Broke his front tooth on a light pole. It must be the blond in him (and Emily!) :)

You can't even tell which part is fake...

Olivia: It's not so much something she has done, but what she said. A couple days ago she announced to me that she has a "radish on her butt". Isn't that a vision?! :)

She looks just like her Daddy when she has her glasses at the end of her nose...

Lucas: Lucas is one of those little guys that make you laugh all the time. He just a character. Last night we were laughing at his cuteness. Purely adorable. We read a story together, and the little baby boy way that he said the words made it so hard to keep reading and not laughing. What a sweetheart.

This is his innocent look. He is not...

I brought my Cd's down from upstairs. There must be 100 in there. Would you believe that I found the photos of Nick on the second CD that I looked at? I amaze myself. (That was at laugh at me!).

So there is the laughter in our last week. I'm looking forward to remembering more fun times with the kids and recording them here. Maybe you'll join us?


maryt/theteach said...

Did I say before that your kids are just beautiful? They are darling! :)

Queen-Size funny bone said...

I've always found my kids extremely entertaining.

anymommy said...

I was too distracted to read the post - they are so darling!

Little Black Scrap Cat said...

Aren't kids a gas!? The things they say and do! You have beautiful children.

Tootie said...

Those kids are sooo cute! The stories were too. :-)