The White House

The White House

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Other Friends vs Alaskan Friends

If you're lookin' for Wordless Wednesday scroll down....

I don't usually post this stuff, but you wouldn't believe how much of this is true....


#1 OTHER FRIENDS............................. Never ask for food.
ALASKAN FRIENDS........... Are the reason you have no food.

#2 OTHERS FRIENDS...................... Bring a bottle of wine to your party.
ALASKAN FRIENDS........... Bring enough for everybody, help make the food, then stay to clean up and sleep it off afterwards. (We don't run out of adult beverages, laughter or fun! Ever.)

#3 OTHER FRIENDS...................... Will come to your house warming party.
ALASKAN FRIENDS............Will help you move in and move out and party both times. (You know, any excuse to have a party! Hey, the winters are long).

#4 OTHER FRIENDS...................... Call your parents Mr. and Mrs.
ALASKAN FRIENDS............Call your parents Mom and Dad!

#5 OTHER FRIENDS...................... Have never seen you cry.
ALASKAN FRIENDS.............Either make you cry or will cry with you.

#6 OTHER FRIENDS..................... Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back.
ALASKAN FRIENDS............Keep your stuff so long they forget it's yours, but are willing to loan it back to you anytime. ( I can't tell you how many times I've gone to the school to see kids wearing my son's clothes...or how many things that are in our closets I didn't buy).

#7 OTHER FRIENDS...................... Know a few things about you.
ALASKAN FRIENDS.............Could write a book with direct quotes from you. (And bring up some stupid stunt from ten years ago like it was yesterday!)

#8 OTHER FRIENDS..................... Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing. ALASKAN FRIENDS............Will kick the butts of the whole crowd who left you. (We are a very inclusive, protective group!)

#9 OTHER FRIENDS..................... Would knock on your door
ALASKAN FRIENDS...........Walk right in and say, 'I'm home!' (There is no such thing as a stranger...when someone does knock on the door it scares the crap out of me! Or and for the would-be criminals, we Alaskans aren't big on locking our doors. Someone might break down and need some place warm to go.)

#10 OTHER FRIENDS..................... Will watch sports with you.
ALASKAN FRIENDS...........Will take off of work to drive to the Iditarod or Yukon Quest start or finish banquet with you. (Yep, we pretty much play hooky from work for important sporting events like hockey, dog races, snowmachine races....)

#11 OTHER FRIENDS...................... Will talk crap with people who talk crap about you.
ALASKAN FRIENDS...........Will knock the crap out of them!

#12 OTHER FRIENDS...................... Are for a while.
ALASKAN FRIENDS...........Are for life.


Queen-Size funny bone said...

Myabe I should of moved to alaska instead of just visit.

Lori Skoog said...

So Gayle....when did you have time to do all this stuff???You are on an amazing roll. Love the Alaska Friends bit and the pictures you posted of the kids. Some long driveway! Hope your sheep is doing ok on her own.

Unknown said...

I'd bring wine,and I'd share.Just ask Tink.Love the post!

Anonymous said...

Love it!

Tink *~*~* said...

It's true, Chris turned me on to this wine called Santa Cristina Toscana and it's awesome!

oh and