If you have a 15-year old son named Cody and he tells you he thinks we should put Christmas lights on the house walk away. If you pause to tell him you are too busy to do it and he tells you he'll do it, run away. Fast. If you don't then you will buy the lights, they will sit in boxes in the living room for two weeks and then you will end up putting up the lights yourself. I should have known better...he's a man in training after all.
I'm pretty sure I've mentioned before how much I enjoy putting up lights in 2 degree weather.
I don't.
So with my too short 8 ft ladder and my trusty hoe from the garden I put lights on an eve 15 ft. in the air. By myself. It's a good thing I'm smarter than your average man and previously screwed hooks under the eve in the summertime just for this purpose or it would have been worse than it was.
The joyful noise that could be heard 1/4 mile away was more colorful than joyful. Ah, the spirit of Christmas.
what a mom....
Gayle...you never fail to impress me. I love your man in training bit...so true.
Alright Gayle. Your rock girl!! I hate hanging those things in warm weather. How do you do it in your weather??
Good thinking with hanging the hooks in the summer! The lights look awesome!
I'd rather put the lites up myself,anyways.And I did the same thing with the hooks,too.Except it was in the summer here.90 something and humidity was the same.But at least it got done,I didn't have to take three breaks just to think about it,then go have a beer,take another break......
And,BTW,it looks good!I am woman-hear me roar!
You did a nice job!
Very pretty! But, I think you should have made him at least help. Like...whip him into shape before he's a man. :-)
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