The White House

The White House

Monday, December 29, 2008

I Got Mail!

I got a package in the mail from Tink in Florida. How cool is that?!

Inside I found seashells, a glass dish and a candle. Oh, and a little bit of sunshine! :)

The intent is to provide a little therapy for the dark and cold days of an Alaskan winter so I lit my candle....

...and took a closer look.

Being the freak I am, I sorted the pebbles from the shells...

...and then lined up the shells by shape.

Look at the array of colors!

I carefully put the shells on the pebbles, and then stirred them up (because I'm weird like that, too!).

Trust me, it was very relaxing. For twenty some minutes I tuned out the chaos around me. Thanks Tink! :)


Lori Skoog said...

Gayle...great gift from Tink and I love what you did with the pebbles and shells. Looks very mellow to me.

Anonymous said...

That is so nice that you all exchange gifts. I probably would have sorted the shells as well, so not weird or freakish at all! =)

Queen-Size funny bone said...

What a great gesture to send you a little beach.

Tink *~*~* said...
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Tink *~*~* said...

Yes, by George, you are a natural at this! You are supposed to get all anal and sort the shells by type and size! W00t! I'm glad you liked it.

Now then, you can make a hollow in the center of the shells/stones and set the candle in it. Actually, the easy way is to dump them all out again, set the candle in, and then fill in around it with the shells/stones.

Dump and play often! It's grand therapy, and it's cheap!

Tink *~*~*
PS - first comment was total typo hell so I opted for a do-over.