The White House

The White House

Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Party, Olivia!

Olivia's birthday was earlier this month, but we were finally able to have her party yesterday. Here's her princess cake...
She was so in love with it!

Olivia is shy and she became very uncomfortable when everyone was singing Happy Birthday to her.

Out go the candles!
Lucas, Daddy and Emma helped open the presents.

See her excitement?

She is truly tickled with everything in life!

Here's our precious princess!


Anonymous said...

Wow!! That cake is most impressive,did you make it? Or where did it come from?
Olivia looks so nice in her princess outfit, very fitting for her.

Jess said...

Happy belated birthday to the little Princess Olivia!!! Love the cake

Corey~living and loving said...

Happy birthday to your darling princess! :)
That cake is soooooooooo adorable.