The White House

The White House

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Misery Magnet

I am a misery magnet. I have to be otherwise these things wouldn't happen. Over. And Over. And Over.

The boys went snowboarding. Fine.
Elijah decided he wanted to leave and go to the hockey game. Fine.
Elijah got a ride to the game. Great!
The game started 45 minutes late because of a power outage. Sucks.
Mr. White picks up Nick from snowboarding, but doesn't get Elijah because the game isn't over. Double sucks.
I go to get Elijah. Way sucks.
I sit and wait. Boring.
The game is over. Yea!
Elijah doesn't come out. Why?
Finally, after the traffic is now bumper to bumper he gets in the truck. Irritating.
A great big giant Greyhound type bus decides to go through the bumper to bumper traffic the wrong way to pick up a youth hockey team at the back door rather than have the kids walk out the front door. Stupid.

Are you following this?

Idiot in orange vest guides the great big giant bus through the cars. Why?
I am on the bumper of the guy in front of me. Squeezed tight.
I cannot move. At all.

Yep, you got it. Great big bus hit me. The driver swung as wide as he could but his ass-end tire clipped the back of my still-has-temporary-plates-new-to-me Excursion. I so freaked out on the idiot in the orange vest. I thought my head was going to explode.
So many ifs...
if Elijah would have stayed snowboarding...
if the power wouldn't have gone out and the game would've started on time...
if Elijah would have come out of the building right after the game was out...
if the driver would have used more sense...
if the idiot in the orange vest had a brain...
so many ifs.


Anonymous said...

It was ever thus. I cannot imagine you feel much like all this, this week.
Have a good night's sleep.

anymommy said...

Grrrr. I'm always amazed by chains of events. All the little things that lead up to being in the wrong place at the wrong time or the right place, or just missing being in the wrong place, etc. Sorry - sounds like a frustrating, irritating evening.

Snowbird said...

I'm sure that having had the week you've had anyway and the cold on top of it, this was just the "icing on the cake." Hope things get better real soon.

Gretchen said...

That does suck. :(

The saddest phrase ever for man "What might have been ... if ..."

Hope he's well insured!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

wrong place and wrong time thats me. glad no one was hurt but I feel your frustration.

Pam said...

i just found your blog (seems we follow many of the same blogs!) I think we could be friends... come over to my blog and see why!! LOL!!

Becky said...

Oh honey just have a nice glass of wine and a long hot bubble bath. Ok you can have the whole bottle. I hope this week is better for you.

Anonymous said...

That sucks! Ive been in that line-up at the CC before, so I know exactly what you are talking about. I've even seen the team bus trying to get through. I can't believe he hit you.

Tara said...

I hope you're feeling better and your head cold is subsiding!