The White House

The White House

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Trip to the Store

I figured since I was already out I might as well press my luck and try a trip to the store.

Why is it every time we get somewhere this is what I see? Lucas' bare feet. It's a redressing process every stop! Dude, I get cold standing here putting your stuff back on. Please, stop doing this to me!

In we go!

Picking out a pumpkin for (dreaded) pumpkin carving.

Let's have lunch!

Oh ya, Mac 'n Cheese!
Free mold. Fred Meyer is good to me like that.
Oh, so much time left in the day and I'm already tired!

Doesn't hot cocoa sound good?

Olivia's new horse and Belle doll (Beauty and the Beast)!

Lukie Monster's cars. An obsession.

Time to make brownies and a noodle salad for the Football Banquet tonight. Ack! Several "in town" events in one day. Sensory overload! :)


anymommy said...

Oh, they are so cute, and you are so brave. I avoid the store with my kids at all costs. Emergencies only!

Jess said...

Those two look like so much fun - they are so cute!!!

The gas price caught my eye -- the prices are supposed to be going down. If that's down by you I'd hate to know what the high was. We're down to $2.59 as of yesterday.