The White House

The White House

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

tackle it Tuesday

Halloween is fast approaching. I tried so hard to plan ahead, but the children wouldn't cooperate. First, they didn't know what they wanted to dress-up as. Then they knew, but they just wanted to buy a costume rather than have me make it. We went shopping and nothing! Emily decided she wanted me to sew....Sunday night! So we went shopping 15 minutes before the store closed and got what we needed. Yesterday, I sat down to sew...

It wasn't long before these hands were killing me. In fact, I'm having a lot of pain typing this morning. After checking the weather it all makes sense. It's -9 degrees this morning! My hands always tell me the weather, I just don't always listen!
I kept plugging along. I was striving to finish last night. I knew this morning I would not want to sew.

I finished up last night and Emily tried it on this morning. I'm not sure it is what was in my mind at the store, but since she picked the fabric is must be what was in her mind! :) What a pretty little fairy, don't you think?! Granted, it will all be covered up except the wings on Halloween night (have you ever gone trick-or-treating when it's this cold?), but we are used to that. We make the costumes for the Fall Festival at school. All that work for a one hour party. She'll be fabulous!

Did you tackle any projects this week or are you planning on tackling something today? Head over to tackle it Tuesday and join the fun!
As a bonus for making it to the end of this post I have a challenge. If you can tell me the significance 54/365 I'll send you some coffee from the North Pole. (If there is more than one correct answer I'll draw a winner although I don't think I have enough readers for one right answer!). :) Happy TT!


MomOf4 said...

What a pretty costume! You did a great job!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

oh you are the greatest mommy sewing. wow

stace41971 said...

Wow! That is a beautiful costume! Great job :-)
We're supposed to be getting 3 in. of snow here we may be trick or treating in the snow as well..ugh.

Amanda said...

WOW How beautiful!!!! I know here it's usually ALWAYS cold, so if I do make the kid's costumes, I ALWAYS make them a size bigger so they can wear like 3 layers of clothes under them.

Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm going to keep reading yours now! :) I'm just not ready for snow yet!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute costume! You did a great job!

Susie said...

That is a gorgeous tackle!! I am in awe of people who can sew.

Anonymous said...

Neat costume. I like them when nobody else has one like it.

Maddy said...

How utterly delightful. I used to sew my own many years ago but sadly I've had to submit to peer pressure these days. Well done you.
Best wishes

Jennifer said...

Wow! You did an awesome job! I wish I could sew like that.

Thanks for visiting my blog. I will gladly do your dishes if you do my laundry. However, you are going to have to bring them over here because I refuse to go anywhere where it is -9! I like the 80's better!

Tara said...

Wow, you're quite talented! She looks beautiful and very pleased with her costume!'s dark 54 days of the 365 of the year? :D

keturi/faro clan said...

is it how many weeks are in leap year?

Stephanie said...

Okay I'm going to guess you mean a date, which is Feb.23. So is that an important date? Birthday or anniversary maybe?

That's my guess!

Nice blog by the way, I think this is my first visit. :-)

~michelle pendergrass said...

You can sew!!! See, I can cook (and I like it) but I hate sewing, my husband (Thank God) does the sewing!

The costume is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

how many days you did not have to drive kids to sports during the year?

Nellie said...

Hi Gayle,
My guess is that it is officially the first day of winter... or so the calendar says. But I'm not convinced; with 3 inches of snow on the ground here and -9 where you are, it's already here!

Your sewing is fantastic! Love those adorable wee faces.
