The White House

The White House

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Football Banquet

Tonight was the West Valley Football banquet. See the food line...

There was a lot of really good food. In fact, parents went overboard and there was more than those boys could eat! Here's Nick in the green coat and hat and Cody in the red eating and watching football highlights.

There sure was a big turnout. There were 58 players on Varsity and JV this season.
Olivia brought her new doll and horse...
Lucas doesn't go anywhere without his cars!


Snowbird said...

This looks exactly like a few sports banquets I've been too. But the food is always good it seems.

Jess said...

Wow! This looks like a picture out of one of our sports banquets! I guess they're pretty much the same no matter where you live.

The cheerleading banuet is at a "real" banquet hall this year. Should be interesting..

Anonymous said...

What a great turnout!