The White House

The White House

Monday, August 4, 2008

Gayle needs...

Teresa at Homestead Notes got tagged with this....I saw it at Stace's Space and I'm as curious as she is. I had to know! There is only one rule: you Google your first name with the word "needs" behind it and post the results.

1. Gayle needs your help in Florida to get elected to Congress. (The NRA gave her an A+....I hate politics).

2. Gayle needs to take a page out of Smith's book. (Apparently, I'm one helluva cricket player!)

3. Miss Gayle, PHR, who needs groceries...when you can have shoes like these?! (Can you see me in the garden in these?! Ha!)

4. Gayle...Accounting and Business Management: OK, PROCRASTINATORS!! NOW IS THE TIME TO GET IT TOGETHER! GIVE US A CALL AND LET'S GET ORGANIZED! We take away the pain and stress of financial management so that you can spend your time doing what you love to do! (Please, like I have time for my own stuff!)

5. Gayle... Licensed Clinical Social Worker specializing in caring, competent, therapeutic work with adult individuals & couples. There is a minimal amount of paperwork Gayle will need you to complete. Depending on what works best for you, you may plan to complete these forms in the ... (social worker? Ya, right...and when do the aliens land?).

Okay, so that was probably a complete waste of 20 minutes, but what's a gal to do. Curiosity can can the best of me. So what do you need?

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